“That’s impossible.” Adrian countered, shaking his head in disbelief. “Robert Muller is my father, albeit illegitimate, but my biological father nevertheless.”

Sir Edward had a knowing look in his eyes. “Get me the hospital reports, Jonah.” He instructed the man standing discreetly by the side.

“Right away sir.” Jonah bowed curtly and disappeared down a hallway. Within seconds, he returned with a white envelope in his hands and presented it to Sir Edward.

Sir Edward opened the envelope and brought out a single sheet of paper which he extended towards Adrian. “Here. Take a look at it. It’s the DNA report from the hospital.”

Hesitantly, Adrian took the paper from Sir Edward’s hands and scanned through it. His eyes widened in shock as they landed on the words; 99% compatible, that were boldly written on the piece of paper.

“This can’t be right,” Adrian muttered as his hands that held the DNA report trembled. “H-How can you be my father?”

“Let me explain.” Sir Edward sighed in what seemed to be regret before he began his story, narrating how he had met Adrian’s mother at a bar twenty five years ago and seduced her into sleeping with him then fled because he was a coward. Unfortunately for him, as he fled, he was met with an accident which rendered him permanently impotent.

“I just couldn’t face her after that night.” Sir Edward confessed shamefully. “Neither did I apologize. I just kept an eye on her from the shadows.

“Y-you abandoned my mother after sleeping with her?” Adrian asked, anger beginning to rise within him as he digested Sir Edward’s words.

“Please let me finish. It’ll all make sense.” Sir Edward pleaded in a low voice. “I later discovered that she had gotten pregnant. But before I could do anything, she had already married Robert Muller. Deciding to let her be, I focused on rebuilding my life but because of my impotency, no woman agreed to marry me.” He paused, a bitter smile stretching across his lips.

When your father threw you and your mother out, I sent some money to help you get by. However, she refused every single one of them.”

“She never liked being treated like a charity case.” Adrian muttered with a clenched jaw.

Sir Edward’s gaze softened, “Believe me, I did it because I cared.”

“No.” Adrian countered, a glint of pain flashing across his eyes. “You only did it out of guilt.”

“Perhaps you’re right.” Sir Edward admitted. “Maybe I did it partially because of guilt but trust me, the care I felt definitely outweighed the guilt.”

“The night you donated your bone marrow,” he continued. “There was something familiar about you but I couldn’t place it. The doctors had already ruled out the possibility of me finding a compatible bone marrow donor due to my rare bone marrow type which is as a result of a hereditary trait in my lineage. But just as I had lost all hope, they informed me that they had found a compatible donor—You.”

“That’s when I asked them to run a DNA test with your blood sample just to be sure.” Sir Edward confessed. “When the test results revealed you were truly my son, I tirelessly searched for you. Please forgive me for everything.” Sir Edward said in a sincere tone.

The room was engulfed in a tense silence for a few minutes before Adrian let out a ragged sigh. “I would be lying if I said I’m not mad at you, but…” He closed his eyes for a moment to compose himself and when he opened them again, the anger had been replaced with acceptance. “…there’s no point dwelling in the past. The Bottom line is, I’m relieved that I’m not related to Robert Muller. That man and his family treated my mother and I worse than trash.” Adrian said the last words in distaste as unwanted memories resurfaced in his mind.

An earnest smile spread across Sir Edward's face. "Your forgiveness means the world to me."

“It’s fine.” Adrian replied empathetically. “So what happens now?”

Sir Edward’s smile widened, reflecting the joy in his heart. “You must have heard of the Alpha Group,” he began, his eyes gleaming with pride. “The third-largest corporation, not just in Wibston, but in the world. Well, it’s now yours along with all my assets and properties. I’ve finally found my lost heir so it’s only logical that everything I own becomes yours.”

Adrian’s eyes nearly fell out from their sockets as he processed what Sir Edward had just said. “I-I’m a millionaire now?” He stammered incredulously.

“No son, not a millionaire.” Sir Edward let out a hearty chuckle. “You are now a Trillionaire.”

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