A bewildered Adrian blurted out in confusion. “W-what trillion dollar empire are you talking about? And why does this Sir Edward want to see me? I don’t think I’ve met anyone with that name before.”

Jonah noticed the skepticism and uncertainty clouding Adrian’s eyes and his lips quirked in a knowing smile, “I understand that this…” He gestured between them with his index finger. “…situation must seem strange and suspicious to you but I assure you that all your questions would be answered when you meet with Sir Edward.”

“O-Kay...” Adrian conceded, his voice tight. Wincing slightly from the throbbing pain in his head, he managed to get up. “Let’s go see him, then.”

Jonah frowned as he noticed the blotch of blood on Adrian’s temple. “Young Sir…what happened to your head? Do you need to get the injury checked out before we proceed?”

“No, no, it’s fine. It’s not as bad as it looks.” Adrian waved him off as he wiped the blood with his sleeve, deliberately ignoring the ‘young sir’ title which Jonah had just addressed him as. “Please just take me to see Sir Edward.”

“Very well, young sir.” Jonah agreed as he opened the car door and gestured inside. “After you.”

Adrian offered an awkward smile before slipping into the car. The luxurious white and black interior made him gasp as his eyes darted around in awe. He was sure that such a car cost a fortune and this fact alone made him gulp nervously as he thought of what his meeting with Sir Edward would entail.

They soon arrived at the huge Victorian-style manor that was Sir Edward’s residence. As they drove through the tall gates, Adrian couldn’t help but take in the vast landscape that led up to the manor. A huge fountain, which stood proudly in the middle of the compound embodied the statues of two lions on opposite sides, spouting water from their mouths and into the fountain.

A group of servants all lined up and dressed in black and white uniforms awaited them in front of the manor and they all bowed before Adrian as soon as he got out of the car. “Welcome Young Sir.” They chorused in unison, their formal mannerisms seeming perfectly rehearsed. Adrian, who didn’t know what to do with such respect, because he wasn’t used to it, simply waved in response as Jonah escorted him into the manor.

Adrian had thought the exterior of the manor was impressive but as he stepped inside, his jaw dropped in astonishment as he admired the exquisite interior. Every furniture was intricately crafted and designed to fit the regal vibe that the manor exuded.

He was so busy gawking at the marvelous sight in front of him that he didn’t notice the middle aged man with salt and pepper hair and a trimmed beard, gallantly descending down the marble staircase in his impeccable Brioni suit, this was Edward Young in all his glory. He radiated an aura of wealth, sophistication and power that commanded attention wherever he went.

“Sir Edward is here.” Jonah’s firm voice announced and bowed curtly before Sir Edward as he gestured towards Adrian. “Sir, that’s Mr. Adrian Muller.”

“Adrian?” Sir Edward spoke in a rich, velvety voice as his gaze landed squarely on Adrian who shifted awkwardly on his feet. “Yes, that's me.”

Sir Edward’s grey eyes swirled with various emotions as he walked closer to where Adrian stood. “Do you remember me?” The man asked as he stared at Adrian expectantly.

Adrian stared at Sir Edward with furrowed brows for a moment before recognition flickered in his eyes as they widened in realization. “It’s you…from the hospital. I donated my bone marrow to you a few months ago.” Adrian recalled, his voice tinged with surprise.

The corner of Sir Edward’s eyes crinkled as he smiled, “That’s right. Your bone marrow saved my life. I would have been dead if it wasn’t for you.”

“I’m glad I was able to help.” Adrian replied modestly. It had been a coincidence really. He was at the hospital with his mother for her chemotherapy treatments when Sir Edward was rushed in. While he waited for his mother to be through with her chemo, he had overheard some doctors talking about how Sir Edward had a limited time to live because they were unable to find a compatible bone marrow donor. Adrian couldn’t explain what moved him to offer his own bone marrow even though he wasn’t sure it would be a match. Luckily, it was a perfect match and he successfully donated it before leaving the hospital with his mother.

“Come, let’s sit.” Sir Edward gestured towards the golden leather cushions and led the way. “There is something important I need to share with you.”

“Okay sir.” Adrian replied and took a seat next to Sir Edward. “What is it you want to share with me?” Adrian asked with piqued curiosity.

“We’ll get to that shortly,” Sir Edward replied. “But first, would you like a bottle of wine?”

Adrian didn’t want to seem needy but since this could be the only chance he had to taste some expensive wine in his life, he slowly nodded in agreement. “Yes, that's fine.”

Sir Edward smiled and instructed a servant to fetch a bottle of a vintage Italian wine while he dismissed the others in the room with the exception of Jonah.

His expression then became serious as he faced Adrian once more. “Adrian, what I’m about to tell you may seem strange, but it's the truth…” He paused, then took in a deep breath before dropping the bombshell, “I am your biological father.”

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