“Trillionaire?! What a fucking twist of fate.” Adrian whistled, his feeling of shock starting to dissipate. “One minute I’m a nobody begging a man who considers me worse than the dirt on his shoes for money and the next minute, I’m the beneficiary to an empire worth trillions. The universe really played a fast one on me.”

Sir Edward gave Adrian a relatable smile. “Jonah would escort you to the bank tomorrow to transfer all my assets to you and finalize all legal proceedings.” He explained with a look of contentment on his face.

“Tomorrow?” Adrian’s brows furrowed, a sudden worry gnawing at him as he remembered he was yet to pay for his mother’s surgery.

Edward noticed the change in his countenance. “Is there a problem?”

“My mother is down with cancer and in dire need of a $100,000 dollar surgery.” Adrian replied. “I managed to get the money from Robert a few hours ago but it was stolen just before I could get to the hospital.”

“I see…” Edward said, his voice filled with understanding. “That’s not a problem at all. Since it’s already so late and the banks would be closed, first thing tomorrow morning, you’ll go and withdraw whatever cash you need. There’s no need to beat yourself up any more. You now have a huge amount of fortune at your disposal.”

“Now let me propose a toast…” Sir Edward offered. “To the beginning of a new chapter for you.” He raised his glass of wine to Adrian.

“Cheers.” Adrian let go of his worry and clinked his glass with his father with an optimistic smile on his lips.

The next morning, Adrian and Jonah arrived at the bank’s premises and while Adrian got down from the car and made his way into the bank, Jonah stayed back in the car to make a phone call.

Stepping into the bustling bank, Adrian scanned the room, his gaze landing on the receptionist corner and he approached the desk in swift strides. “Good morning.” He greeted the receptionist whose name tag read ‘Gary’ in a polite tone. “I would like to initiate an asset transfer and make a withdrawal.”

Gary, looked up from his computer and gave Adrian a once over before responding with a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “I’m sorry but you must be mistaken. We only initiate asset transfers for customers of a certain…standing.”

“No I’m not mistaken.” Adrian countered in a firm voice. “As a matter of fact, I’m being expected. Jonah Leigh has already spoken with the manager.”

“Look, it’s way too early for this.” Gary rubbed his temples in frustration as he regarded Adrian contemptuously. “You sure do have some balls coming in here and claiming to be what you’re not. We are definitely not expecting a country bumpkin like you and did I hear you mention Jonah Leigh?” Gary scoffed. “The audacity!” He had dealt with people like Adrian who come into the bank pretending to be what they’re not only to waste his precious time.

“I advise you to leave this place immediately, and if you really want to withdraw money which surely wouldn’t be more than $100 then do that at the ATM machine outside.” Gary waved at Adrian dismissively before returning his attention to the computer screen in front of him.

Adrian, his jaw clenching slightly, decided not to waste words. Instead, he darted his eyes around the room and he spotted a discreet door marked "VIP." Without another word, he marched towards it, entering the exclusive section before Gary had any time to stop him.

The manager, Alex Peabody was reviewing some documents when he heard the sound of someone coming in. He looked up with a smile that instantly vanished the moment his eyes scanned Adrian’s outfit.

“Who are yo-”

“-I apologize for the intrusion sir. I tried to stop him!” Alex was interrupted by Gary who bursted into the room with a flustered face.

Alex glared at Gary for a second before turning back to Adrian with an annoyed expression. “Young man. How dare you barge into my office? Didn’t you see the sign outside the door? This room is restricted to VIP customers only!”

“Jonah Leigh informed you that I was coming, right? Doesn’t that make me a VIP customer?” Adrian asked, completely indifferent to Alex’s outbursts.

Alex laughed condescendingly at Adrian’s words. “Are you trying to pass yourself as the Young’s heir? Don’t be ludicrous, you are just a loser and that’s all you will ever be.”

“Call the security to get this moron out of here this instant before I lose it!” He barked out to Gary who was about to comply when the door swung open, revealing a livid Jonah.

“You dare to disrespect the Young master?!”

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