Adrian went back to the hospital with the herbal supplements and handed them to Doctor Arnold. Then, he made his way to Mr. Ben’s ward to discuss an important issue with him.

Mr. Ben was stuffing his face with cookies when Adrian arrived. On noticing Adrian’s presence, he placed the cookies on his bedside table. “Adrian, you’re back.” He smiled at him. “A beautiful young woman had been keeping me company for a while. It’s not been long since she left.”

Adrian nodded. He guessed the beautiful woman Mr Ben was talking about was Ashley. He took a seat on the chair next to Mr Ben’s bed and regarded him with a curious expression as he realized that he hadn’t seen any of his family members. “Mr Ben, what about your family members? How come they haven’t come to see you?”

“Well,” Mr Ben began, his voice tinged with fondness. “My wife and daughters went to spend thanksgiving with my mother-in-law in her hometown. They should be back by next week.”

“Oh, that explains it.” Adrian replied in unde
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