On Regina’s insistence, Adrian took her to Elegantè Couture, a high end boutique in Wibston to purchase the dinner gown. Regina gawked in awe as they stepped into the store. The atmosphere was lively as various high class men and women shopped to their heart’s content. The polished hardwood floor of the boutique glistened under the soft lighting and complimented the walls that were covered in neutral colored wallpapers.

Her eyes darted towards the Dinner wear section. “Follow me,” she commanded Adrian as she made her way down the well-lit aisle.

“Oh my,” Regina breathed, as she took in all the different gowns displayed beautifully on the clothing racks. Velvet, silk, and satin pieces shimmered in every direction and each gown had a tag displaying its price. Her hands hovered over a velvet sapphire blue dress which caught her eye and just as she was about to graze the fabric with her fingers, a young female attendant, wearing a white and blue uniform stopped her.

“Ma'am, please refrai
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