Regina’s hands fidgeted nervously with the gown in her hands as she discovered its whooping price tag. “It costs seventy-five thousand dollars?! She shrieked, her voice echoing in the boutique and alerting the attention of customers who stared at her like she had gone crazy. To them, $75,000 was merely a trivial sum of money to feel so bothered about.

Adrian stared amusingly at Regina’s wide eyes. She was probably feeling so unnerved because she had incurred astronomically more than the spending limit of $5000.

“Ma’am, kindly reduce your voice.” The shop attendant said calmly. “You are disturbing our customers.

Worry gnawed at the back of Regina’s mind. There was no way she could afford to pay such an amount for a dress, not when Anita was on a budget. How could she have been so careless?

“The amount for the damages is $8000, so coupled with the cost of the dress, you would be paying a total amount of $83,000.” the shop attendant continued, completely oblivious to the raging tumult
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