Anita furrowed as she felt a headache coming on. Today was turning out to be one of the most stressful days of her life. “Mom, what on earth did you do to incite a debt of $83,000!” she scolded, her voice laced with exasperation. “I clearly told you not to not exceed $5,000. What do you mean Adrian has to take the blame and how did it bring about getting a divorce?”

Regina flinched at the sharp tone of Anita’s voice. “Well,” she hesitated. “I accidentally ruined a dress worth $75,000 and I have to pay for it as well as damages of $8,000. Since your good-for-nothing husband can’t contribute a dime to help me out, then he should work for the store until he covers the amount of the debt or…he leaves you alone to marry someone capable.”

“Work for the store?” Anita reiterated. “Do you even hear yourself, Mom? You’re the one who messed up, so why should he take the blame? I can’t believe you right now!”

“B-but…he’s your husband.” Regina sputtered defensively. “It’s his responsibility to loo
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