Anita had just stepped into Elegantè Couture when her gaze landed on her mother and Adrian standing with three other people in the dinner gown section. She inched closer towards them just in time to hear a woman dressed in designer clothes and heavy makeup speak. “You have to promise to get him divorced from your daughter today. Only then will Jamie settle your debts.”

“Excuse me?” A heavy frown settled on her face as she walked closer to them. “And why will I divorce my husband?”

Anita’s words cut through the air and every head turned to her direction. Tatiana’s face was filled with surprise at first then morphed into admiration. Jamie’s jaw fell slack and his mouth became dry as he gawked at Anita while Tiffany’s gaze held a bit of envy as she took in her beauty.

Regina was the first to react as she rushed to hold Anita’s hand. “Annie, you’re here. Well, we were just talking about how it would be better for you to divorce Adrian and marry his step-brother instead.”

Regaining her com
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