Chapter 0005

Charles realized something was different about him after waking up from his weak and pathetic state a few moments ago. He examined his body with a feeling of surprise and astonishment to see that the wounds he had previously received from torture had healed entirely without leaving the slightest mark. Charles felt his face, which was sore and swollen from the scars, was now back to normal, and he felt no pain.

“Where did this miracle come from? I didn’t even get any treatment.” Charles furrowed his brows as he thought about his confusion.

Charles sat with his arms on his bent knees and looked down. His mind was still struggling with what had happened to him. A burly and tall man approached him. The man became the leader of other prisoners in this cell because of his size, which was more significant than that of other prisoners.

“I didn’t expect that someone like you could survive so well in this place.” The man looked at Charles sharply and thought about making Charles his plaything in this cell.

The tall and burly man often used prisoners who looked weak in his eyes as toys, and led to slavery. It was a common thing that usually happened in prison. Charles raised his head and looked at the man with the same gaze he got from the man.

At this moment, Charles did not feel weak from his condition that had just healed from his torture wounds; quite the opposite. He felt like power was building up inside him and waiting for the right time to be released.

“Don’t look for trouble with me.” Charles threw out his warning in a state of alert. His instincts told him to be wary of the man who was standing in front of him now.

The man laughed, mocking as Charles tried to shoo him away by not bothering him. However, the bully spirit that the man had could not be ignored. Moreover, Charles’ handsome and young physique made him want to immediately make Charles his new toy to solve his boredom while showing his power in this cell.

“Your guts are big, too. But it’s worth it that your body is so good for me to use as a cushion for my great fists.” The man bent down to look at Charles closer as he said his threat.

Charles made fun of the man by giving him a mocking smile. However, the big man immediately grabbed Charles’ hair and pushed his head back even more. Charles felt his hair was about to be pulled out by the roots due to the man’s grip. Charles’ jaw seemed to harden as anger slowly overcame him. He had to end the crimes of Bob and the two police officers who had put him in this damned cell, and this big man was one of his crimes.

“Just obey my words and don’t fight me; only I can protect you in this cell.” The big man gave advice and smiled slyly, making Charles even more furious.

Charles glanced at the cronies of this big man for a moment. All of them seemed to be enjoying their boss’s intimidation of him. He was unsure if he could win against them, especially the big man in front of him. However, he had no choice but to fight them rather than become a victim and end up miserable in this cell.

Charles focused and began to build up the strength he felt inside him; then, he grabbed the wrist of the big man, gripping his hair tightly. Charles intensified his attack by engaging the big man’s wrist even harder until he heard the big man scream in pain, and a fight was inevitable.

A police officer, Bob, bribed to guard Charles’ cell, heard the commotion coming from Charles’ cell, but he ignored the commotion.

“He must be being tortured by the big man and his cronies. He’ll probably die in there soon.” The police officer smiled as he imagined Charles being tortured in the holding cell. He resumed playing the game on his cell phone. Meanwhile, the noise from the fight in Charles’ cell was getting louder. There was not the slightest intention for the police officer to interfere; according to Bob’s direction, he was paid to see Charles die in the holding cell. However, his pleasure was interrupted by a rumbling sound outside the police station. He got up from his place to check what was happening out there.

The rumbling sound came from four helicopters hovering in the police station’s large field. The black primary helicopter, which looked more significant than the other three, landed smoothly on the ground. The old master and his butler got out of the primary chopper. In contrast, the other helicopters extended a ladder made of ropes and several soldiers dressed in black with complete weapons were seen getting out of it.

The few police officers who saw that could only gape in disbelief and then stared at the old master and his butler unblinkingly with widened eyes when the two people approached them.

“Aren’t they members of the Flamel family? What business do they have here?” The person standing next to the police officer, the head of the police force, raised his curiosity.

“I don’t have an answer to your question.” The policeman was still staring unblinkingly at the old master and his butler, who were about to arrive before him while answering his subordinate earlier.

“I’m here because one of the flamel family members is detained here, where is he?” The butler gave the police chief a sharp and intimidating look. The policeman who got that question was instantly nervous and pale.

“You may be misinformed, sir; we are not detaining anyone from the Flamel family.” The police chief swallowed as he finished his answer, making the old master chuckle angrily, standing not far behind his butler. The Flamel family’s butler looked at the pale-looking police officer, assuming that Charles was dealing with danger there. Anger soon overcame him, and a brutal slap landed on the police officer’s face.

“If anything happens to our young master, your base will collapse in hours and all the officers in this place will suffer the consequences.” The butler of the Flamel family left after saying his threat. The old master, worried about his grandson’s condition, rushed into the police station. The soldiers quickly secured the old master’s entrance, followed by the butler.

However, the old master was shocked by a sight he didn’t expect to see. He was standing in front of the entrance of the detention center. He saw Charles sitting on the bed while the other detainees were lying on the floor, begging and enduring the pain from Charles’ attack from the fight that happened earlier.

Charles, who was sitting on the bed staring intently at all the prisoners he had knocked out, did not notice the arrival of the old master, nor did he see his fire symbol tattoo, which now seemed to glow and glow and signaled the awakening of his power that was inherited from his family.

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