Chapter 0006

The old master exhaled loudly, and his face showed a sense of relief, seeing that Charles was fine and unharmed. The butler, who had just approached the old master, looked into the holding cell and found the shocking scene. The butler was also relieved that the young master was not in such a terrible state as he had expected. The butler then ordered a police officer to open Charles’ cell door.

Charles was distracted by the opening of his cell door. He looked at the two strangers who had come with the police officer.

“Stand up and leave this bad place, your place is not here you are free now.” The old master looked at Charles while putting both hands in the pockets of his material pants.

“That’s right, Young Master. Your place is not here, and you don’t deserve to be in a place like this. We came here to pick you up.” The butler politely bowed his head after confirming the old master’s argument.

Charles furrowed his brows in confusion at the attitude of the two strangers, especially when one of them called him ‘young master’; he wondered if these two people recognized the wrong person.

“You might have the wrong person.” Charles turned towards the other prisoner, who was still lying on the floor and grimacing in pain.

“No, we are not mistaken because I am very familiar with that tattoo you have.” The old master looked at the flaming tattoo on Charles’ chest. He smiled at the sight and was pleased his effort had paid off.

Charles briefly fingered the tattoo on his chest, then turned his face towards the old master.

“What’s with this tattoo?” Charles looked at the old master curiously and demanded an explanation.

“No rush; I’ll explain everything after we leave here. All you need to know for now is that I am your grandfather.” The old master smiled after saying the confession he wanted to make when he finally met his grandson.

The confession surprised Charles, and he looked at the old master with great curiosity. However, he also doubted the confession and thought this was another trap Bob had prepared for him. Seeing Charles’ disbelief in what he had just said, the old master showed Charles a similar tattoo.

“This tattoo is unique to our family. I told you, I’m very familiar with yours.” The old master exhaled loudly and glanced at the other prisoners lying on the floor. He also turned to the butler and ordered him to settle this matter immediately with the police.

“Settle this matter thoroughly and find the culprit.” The old master turned away from the butler. He saw the police officer on duty opening the door to Charles’ holding cell, looking terrified. A kick from the old master smashed the police officer’s body to the floor, and his tattoos flashed brightly in anger.

“You will pay the price for mistreating the Flamel family.” The old master turned around and walked out of the holding cell, followed by Charles, who was hesitant but now half-trusted the old master.

Meanwhile, the butler turned to stare at the kneeling police officer with his body trembling in fear. The pain he received from the old master’s kick earlier was no longer felt as it had been replaced with fear.

“Tell me, who tricked young master Flamel into entering this foul place?” The butler stared at the downcast and frightened police officer.

“I don’t know, sir, I just-“ The police officer stopped speaking abruptly as the butler grabbed him by the hair after removing the police officer’s uniform hat he was wearing.

“If you can’t admit it, go and call your superior immediately before I pull out all your hair along with the scalp.” The butler released his grip so violently that the police officer’s body swayed slightly.

The police officer immediately got up and ran out of the holding cell to fulfill the butler’s request. The butler left the holding cell and called the Mayor to discuss the matter. The butler scolded the Mayor in a loud tone when he told him about the corruption in the police force.

The Mayor sounded panicked at the butler’s explanation and anger, which made him tremble with fear.

“I’m asking you to come to the police station right now. Otherwise, I’ll ensure you and your entire family suffer the consequences!” The butler also ended the conversation unilaterally with the Mayor.

Meanwhile, the police officer who conspired with Bob was worried about his future. He had heard the butler’s conversation with the Mayor a few moments ago. He did not think he had dealt with the most powerful family in this city. Compared to the f*e he received from Bob, he would rather disobey Bob than deal with the Flamel family.

The police officers who conspired with Bob were now kneeling before the butler. Both of them looked worried even though their heads were bowed deeply.

“To maintain the honor of the Flamel family, you two must pay for your actions with your lives. Kill them both!” The butler turned to one of the soldiers holding a firearm and signaled him to kill the two police officers who had conspired with Bob.

“Sir, don’t do that, we apologize. We really didn’t know that young man was a member of the Flamel family. We only knew that he was an ordinary young man.” One of the police officers voiced his argument that he did not lie by trying to hold back the fear that gripped him at the moment.

The butler snorted at the excuse. He gave the two police officers a disgusted look for taking bribes from the other party to torture Charles brutally.

“You may not know it at first, but I am disgusted with you who so easily accept a sum of money to do dirty work. Your pride is no different from trash, and trash must be removed immediately not to spread stench and disease everywhere.” The butler stared intently at the two officers, his jaw set firmly in anger.

The soldier ordered by the butler to kill the two police officers pointed his firearm at his victims. The two police officers again begged to be forgiven and pleaded. Before the soldier could pull the trigger of his gun, the Mayor arrived in a hurry and approached the butler.

“Please, sir, don’t do this. I apologize; we all apologize for this negligence.” The Mayor bowed before the butler several times and stayed in that position for several minutes before finally straightening up.

“Negligence? Do you know who they treated like animals in that holding cell? The young master of the Flamel family! I have no reason to spare them!” The butler was furious as he stared at the Mayor with a gaze ready to skin the man alive.

Shocked by the information, the Mayor, with a pale face and a frightened gesture, immediately knelt and begged for mercy for not knowing the actual events. The disgust building up inside the butler made him kick the Mayor’s body so hard that it bounced far away.

“Punish the prisoners who tortured the Flamel family’s young master in detention with a hundred years’ imprisonment, and clean up the corruption that started all this trouble thoroughly.” The butler stomped hard on one of the Mayor’s hands as he said his order, making the man cry out in pain as he complied with the butler’s order.

After settling the matter, the butler ordered all his soldiers to leave the police station. The atmosphere in the police station was suddenly silent, and there was a profound aura of anxiety from the police chief and the Mayor.

Meanwhile, inside the helicopter, the old master and Charles sat facing each other and prepared to wait for it to take them to a castle belonging to the Flamel family.

“Are you saying that you are my grandfather?” Charles looked at the old master curiously after asking his question.

The old master nodded, and then his gaze fell on Charles’s tattoo, which seemed to glow on his chest.

“That tattoo is the proof.” The old master turned to look at Charles with a severe gaze.

Charles finally just stayed silent, his mind raising many questions, and he felt confused about starting his questions to the old master. When the helicopter arrived at the Flamel family’s castle, hidden behind the mountains, Charles was again surprised by the sight of the magnificent castle.

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