Eighty Seven
“How did you then allow her get pregnant for your husband? Are you also married to Andrew?”

She asked and Tricia, bite her lower lips. she doesn't know what to answer this is a great chaos. She isn't married to Andrew, either should she disclose this to Mrs. Kate.

“Uhmm…well, mother, I and Andrew, haven't gotten married we… we were about to do that before…”

“Where does Angela, stays?”

She cut in immediately and Tricia, told her that she stays with them at the Pablo's mansion and Mrs. Kate sighed deeply. she sat up and paced round her room for a moment before beaming a smile at Tricia, and sent her away.

“I know my fortune is inauspicious.”

She murmured as she slammed the door against her and tears trickled down her face. At the moment she is feeling so nervous, anxiety all around her. She felt it like a mistake to have informed Mrs. Kate about this. Nonetheless, she was only trying to protect herself and her unborn child.

“I have to be strong for myself and for my baby. I really
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