Author: SJM

With the alarm buzzing so loud, a man in his mid-thirties jumped out of bed in great fright as he ran towards the door, pushing it open, he fled to the kitchen with great speed.


 The voice of a woman echoed, standing in the passage that leads to the kitchen. The house they live in is a duplex with fourteen rooms. Six down the stairs, eight upstairs. Each is a master bedroom with balconies.

“Why didn't you get up on time, Andrew? Has Alex taken his bath?” the woman voiced in malevolence as she stared daggers at the young man, apologizing with pleading eyes. 

Yesterday was Alex's school party he did a grand opening as the best student, and he did most of the work like he is a multitasking robot. He cleaned, served food and drinks and cleared the entire party equipment also, he did the inner chores alone and regarding that he didn't sleep on time yesterday. 

“Sorry Mother, I was exhausted, my bones were all broken.”

 He apologized, putting on the gas as he placed the kettle with water in it on the fire.

“What haven't you apologized for in this home, loser? So what if your bones were broken? Isn't your future broken as well?” 

“No, Mother, my future is all made.”

He replied to her respectfully, hoping she reason things with him.

“You urchin, how dare you reply to me? I feed and clothe you, so, what gave you the nerve to talk back while I'm talking?”

Mrs. Felicia, sneered angrily at him.

“I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way, mother.”

“He is a trash picker after all, the little money he gets from trash picking, he values it and thinks his future is already made at that.” 

 An advanced man walked towards the woman and spoke rudely at Andrew.

“Listen, young man, life starts at forty, and you are in your mid-thirties. Hahaha, and you believe your future is made with your trash picking job? I assure you again, my daughter isn't spending her entire life with you.”

“No Father, I will make it up to her, I promise.” Andrew pleaded.

“She can't have a luxurious life with you young man, she lived in wealth all her life so, she will rest in wealth. I can't totally, give my daughter to a woebegone like you.” 

Mrs. Felicia fired again while she stomps out.

“Here is the car key, ensure to wash the car before six, I'm taking it out currently.”

 Mr. Marvin threw the car key on the floor and left, while Andrew bent down to pick it.

Andrew is the son-in-law of the Dominic family. He has been married to pretty lady, Maryann Dominic, for six years now. They have a baby boy, Alex by name, the only child they have gotten through those years. Being the son-in-law of the Dominic could have been a great fortune for Andrew, but it wasn't. Ever since he got married, his life has been a nightmare.

All the work needed to be done in the home is all done by Andrew, he does school run, cooks some dishes, washes the cars, plates, and sweeps the entire compound including the clothes. He equally runs petty errands. He also, sends lunch to his wife, in her college because, she is completing a business course in school. Nonetheless, Andrew, selflessly, does all that believing his wife loves him a lot.

While he was still standing, his phone rang, and he ran out to answer the call, it was his wife calling.

“ Hello hubby! How are you doing today?” 

Maryann asked from the other end of the phone and that sent fireworks through Andrew's body, he was delighted as his mood lightened up.

“It gladdens my heart to see you this happy and whenever you are that, I'm always happy too.” 

He answered as he brought out a pasta pack from the cupboard, ready to cook it for his son's lunch.

“How is my crown Alex doing, is he still in bed?” she asked and Andrew nodded.

“Well… We will be going on some interns today, I might not be home when you come. So, drop me a message at my lodge.”

“Alright my love, love you endlessly.”

 He professed, and Maryann gave a heartwarming laugh and hanged up the phone. This one activity gave Andrew great energy as he placed the pasta on the fire and quickly went to bathe his son. He looked at the time once he was done bathing his son, and ran out because, he hadn't washed his father-in-law car yet.

He not only had to wash his father-in-law car, but his wife, son and aunt,

“Alex, kindly put on your uniform and wait at the dining table, daddy has a lot to do, I will attend to you once I'm done.”

Andrew told his six-year old son, and he nodded before Andrew ran out to put the pasta down, place the stew on low heat and quickly made tea for his son.

Once he was done, he ran out to the garage. On getting there, he met Stanley, his wife brother holding some clothes and once Andrew approached, he threw them careless on his body.

“You haven't washed my Daddy's car yet. I guess you don't know what a business appointment is, else, you wouldn't be as sluggish as a snail. Meanwhile, wash these clothes before seven this morning, I need them dried and neatly ironed before two in the afternoon. Be warned a stain on these clothes, you will regret it.”

Stanley rudely spoke and was about walking out before Andrew stopped him on his track.

“I have to take Alex to school, and I will be taking chips to Maryann, today I heard she is…” 

He said his wife's name as a smile crept at the corner of his lips, he was indeed fond of her.

“Save those smiles, whatever you do, attend to the work I have given you. Woebegone. The trash picker, silly human being.”

He insulted and walked out while Andrew, without minding, picked the clothes and placed them into a bucket before he began washing his father - in-law's car. He washed the four cars which will be taken to work for the day, and before he was done, it was already 7:15am because he started by 5:16am.

“Where is that demon of a being? Where is he? Andrew!”

Aunt Pearl, called in the most annoying tone ever. By now, the entire neighborhood already knows there is someone named Andrew in the Dominic's mansion for if mere calling of someone's name in a disdain manner makes one famous, Andrew would have become famous.

“Ma! I'm right here.” 

He answered as he quickly hung the cloth and the equipment he used in cleaning the car and ran towards aunt Pearl.

“You are a useless fellow who keeps running away from Wisdom each time it called.,” 

She angrily scolded and pushed him inside as Andrew was greeted by heavy smoke which found its way into his nostrils. Perceiving that, he ran to the kitchen, it dawned on him that he didn't remove the stew pot he placed on the fire and everything was already burnt.

“Idiot!” Mrs. Felicia insulted and gave him two hot slaps on the face.

“Do you know what it is to build a mansion? Do you want to burn down my house? O yes! I can afford another in a blink of an eye but, do you want to bankrupt me, loser?” 

Mr. Marvin raged, and Andrew apologized to them all.

“I was trying to meet to time I did forget that I placed…”  before he could say more words, Mrs. Felicia slapped him again.

“My grandson! Are you a wizard ? Were you sent to destroy us?” she scolded angrily.

“Why didn't you feed him? Have your trash pick job influenced you badly that you can't feed our son again?” 

Aunt Pearl scolded. Andrew looked at his son and discovered he had spilled the tea all over his sky blue uniform he also sustained a burn at the tip of his pinky finger.

“Alex! Daddy…”

“Shut that trash! You don't even have the capacity, neither ability to father a son!” 

Mr. Marvin scolded and hit his hat on Andrew's head while he stretched his hand and gave him a slap and this left him annoyed.

“What Haven't I done? I have been serving this home faithfully for six years and this is what you all say? I have been mute all these while and…”

“Shut your poverty stinking mouth don't speak to my father in that manner.”

Stanley came into the scene and made to raise his hands on Andrew, but he held it.

“You dare not father feeder, until you have something you call your very own assets then come and talk to me.”

 He spoke, throwing his hands away and everyone marvelled at his boldness.

“I have, in time past, being greatly humiliated, but to receive a slap by my father-in-law that's the height of it.”

 he sounded really bittered.

“And what would you do?” aunt Pearl, interjected.

“Nothing.” he calmly answered and took his son by the hand, walking out on them.

“You dare not walk out on me Andrew!” Mr. Marvin, thundered.

“I need to dress my son he need not experience this all drama, his school is vital to me.”

He answered and took his son into his room to dress him.

“Did he take us for a joke? What effrontery of his.” Mrs. Felicia's voiced in annoyance.

“Maryann, gave him that liberty they should sign this divorce already, it has been too prolonged.” 

Pearl, angrily spoke and stomped out.

“I will put Andrew in his place.” Mr. Marvin chided and walked out into his car.

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