
Andrew, after taking his son to school, hail a taxi to his wife's school. He remembered she said she was going for an intern so, knowing the location, he quickly, went to her lodge to drop her some clothes which he had washed and a banquet of flowers he bought. 

Once he opened the door, he was greeted with an orange scent. He admired his wife's sense of fashion and, of course, money enables one to get the right interior design. Not only that, but he carefully dropped the clothes in the wardrobe, went to the kitchen and washed the dishes before he began arranging the bed once he flipped the bedsheets, three packs of condom and already used four, fell out of the bedsheets. Likewise, he didn't know what to think, Maryann stays alone here in her apartment so, what could the condom be doing on her bed.

Furthermore, he controlled his emotions and tied it up in a cellophane and proceeded arranging the bed. Once he was done, he took the clothes from the sofa and placed them in the wardrobe and just as he made to close it, something fell from inside the wardrobe. It was a recorder.

“Andrew, is only wasting his days in the Dominic's mansion.”


That was the first thing he heard once he turned it on. He could have stopped it from playing, but he was curious since it was Maryann voice.

“I don't love Andrew, I love you, Sylvester, I'm waiting for a perfect time to get Andrew divorced.” 

Maryann,said again and Andrew, clenched his fist, he wondered if these words were actually coming from Maryann.

“Why haven't you yielded to your father's advice of divorcing that wretched human being? Oh! because you love him?”

 The voice of the man echoed again, this time in disdain.

“Oh no, Sylvester, if I love Andrew, then I wouldn't give myself to you. The countless make out we engage in every day is enough proof that I love just you and not that Godforsaken thing that called himself my husband. I can't live with such a stinking individual for the rest of my life. He smells, didn't you notice?”

Hearing this word from Maryann, Andrew's countenance dropped certainly, Maryann had been using him. He was nothing but a puppet to her finally truths are being revealed.

“Really, Maryann, you haven't made out with your husband?” Sylvester asked.

“Of course not! I say he disgusts me. Moreover, it was just once at the night when I got myself drunk because, you didn't get to reply to my email or pick my call. But,after that I took a contraceptive.”

 Maryann, confessed and Andrew, listening to the tape record, opened his mouth in surprise. It dawned on him that those weird feelings he was having about Maryann, weren't a lie. He had caught her once, but she lied to having a minor sickness and Because, he blindly trusted her, he didn't check out the medicine.

Andrew felt more bittered when he felt the man walk close and kiss Maryann, he couldn't tell if he kissed him on the lips or the forehead,but that was a kiss he gave her, and they shamelessly had sex there, still leaving the recorder on. Andrew wondered why they had to record this. Hearing his wife's moan under another man, his heart shrieked he felt the whole world against him and his happiness finally amounted to nothing.

Andrew, walked towards a corner beside the wardrobe where he angrily, pulled out the flower vase and smashed it. That process caused a portrait finely placed beside the wall to fall.

Andrew, held it and behold it was a drawing of Maryann, totally naked. She was naked and someone drew her. Probably it was Sylvester. He searched further and saw more of her portrait with another man. They were making out while the picture was drawn. She was equally naked with the man fumbling her boobs and she smiled at it.

“Disgusting! You have no shame! No respect, you are just loose. What did I do to you? What have I not done for you? I tried my best to get you the best of the things I can afford for you and our son. I also, deprived myself of those luxurys just for you. I stayed in your parents' house for your happiness, and I was turned into a slave yet you chose to pay me back in that manner? Are you cheap?”

He cursed, wailed and wept. There isn't any word to describe how he felt, for he felt wasted. Finally, it dawned on him that he didn't have any future, the only one who he believed to be his future wasn't part of his dreams. Looking further, he saw another portrait of Maryann, with this same man kissing her pregnancy, and on the portrait was an SD card. He quickly, slot it into the laptop there to see what was in it. Behold, it was Maryann, and this man now, this is their Mansion, not her apartment in school.

“I will give us a baby boy!” 

She said, and the man pecked her neck as she made sensational sounds.

“Moreover, all babies are babies.” 

She said with a smile, biting from the apple fruit her lover just presented to her.

“If it's a baby girl, I will spoil her a lot. Oh my, she will be Miss bossy! Hahaha.”

The young man happily said, touching the tummy gently.

“Don't touch her like that.” 

Andrew murmured as tears rolled down his eyes.

“No way! Not my baby girl.” 

Maryann, screamed and ran around the room until the man caught her and gently placed her on the bed, kissing her deeply engrossed in their kiss, they ended up feeling each other inside themselves.

“I knew you ain't genuine. I will find this man, and teach him the greatest lesson of his life.”

 Andrew, arranged the room, packed the condoms, took the SD card and tape recorder and zoomed out of the house, heading to where Maryann,is located. he wasn't going to create a scene. He wanted to inquire who this stalker was,and why she didn't tell him.

On getting there, he saw a man wrap his hands on Maryann, waist as they kissed while they took a picture.

“Stop it!”

he ran towards them quickly like a mad man and dragged Maryann, to his side. Indeed, his mental health isn't in order as of now.

“What are you doing Maryann, this man is evil can't you see? Hey Sir, stay away from my wife. She isn't yours, go get yours and…”

“Hey, sister, you didn't tell me you had a husband.” 

Stanley, mocked and Maryann, shook her head as everyone was staring at them.

“No! I don't have a husband, I really don't know this thing here. Hey! Who invited you here?” 

She denied and questioned him as people burst into laughter. Maryann, denied him in the presence of everyone here?

“Were you hallucinating, or your death is around the corner? You want to challenge Sylvester mayonnaise regarding his woman?”

“Who is your woman?” 

He raged, making to hold unto his collar, but, was stopped by two bodyguards who pushed him against the wall and pinned him there. He couldn't out power them, as they were stronger than he at the moment. Furthermore, he looked at Maryann, but she didn't show a concern, rather she clung unto the man.

“Who are you?” a Lady asked from the crowd and Andrew, sighed and gave a mockery laugh.

“You, who are you? I'm the son-in-law of the Dominic and Maryann, is my wife.”

Immediately he was done speaking, two hot slaps landed on his face and when he looked up, it was from his wife Maryann, she glared dangerously at him, panting in annoyance.

“Don't ever mention that I'm your wife. Look at you! A beggar, trash picker, can you take care of a beauty like I? I warn you Andrew, stay off my lane. Son of a bitch.”

Maryann, insulted and that was the least Andrew could take. Since it had resulted in this, he might as well loose everything. He looked down at his self he was wearing a faded orange- colored trousers, a worn out navy blue t-shirt that has a torn at the edge, and he was wearing on his feet an old tattered flip-flop. He hasn't shaved his beard.

“A thing like you?” Stanley sneered. 

“Maryann…” He called angrily and in pity.

“I guess I should end this humiliation once and for all. Yeah, that's what I will do.” 

She spoke and the other men pushed Andrew, down he bruised his knee badly due to the way he was pushed. He stood to his feet, dusted himself and went home. He was going to report this nonchalant display to his in-laws, and he will take his son away from them.

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