
“What is this?” 

Andrew, asked immediately he got to the door post.

“There is your luggage, of filthy clothes. Sign the divorce and leave our life for good.”

 Mrs. Felicia said and Andrew, couldn't believe it after facing a humiliation outside, now another drama at home.

“Maryann…” He tried to speak but Mrs. Felicia interrupted.

“I gave birth to Maryann, so, sign this divorce and set my daughter free. You ain't good for her, you will never be able to give her a luxurious life and a happy marriage.”

“But we love each other.” 

Andrew, responded with a shaky voice. He isn't even sure of what he said, he doubts if Maryann has any love for him after what she did a few hours ago.

“What do you know about love and marriage, poverty stinking individual.” Mr. Marvin cursed.

“We don't marry for love!” Mrs. Felicia seconded and Andrew's jaw dropped, probably these people have taken excess alcoholic wine.

“I need to show you something.”

He spoke and forced his way inside there, he played the tape and the SD card then, he brought out all the evidence.

“This man is stalking him!” he said in annoyance.

“You are a very useless individual.”

 Mrs. Felicia raged.

“Oh! Yes, he is. Why have you brought these petty stuffs? Are you dumb?”

 Aunt Pearl, insulted and Andrew couldn't find his speech probably, it was wrong for him to do that, but he just wanted his family to get rid of his wife's stalker.

“Sign the divorce papers immediately.” 

He heard Maryann, the voice echoed, immediately she walked into the sitting room. She wasn't wearing those smiling faces. Andrew doubt that's the woman he fell in love with and got married to.

“We are married, Maryann darling.”

“You disgust me. And, shall I remind you that we don't marry for love? We marry first for God, family and duty. I beseech you, in the name of the vulnerable Destiny you have come to lead on earth, sign the divorce papers and let's get divorced.”

She raged and Andrew, collected the divorce papers. He saw that Maryann already signed them. He would have no option now. All the family, even Maryann, whom he hoped so much on, had declined him.

“Those condie, are used by Andrew, he is nothing but a bastard the son of a bitch. Father, I'm getting married to Sylvester mayonnaise in a week's time.”

Maryann, spoke and the whole family smiled joyfully. Mrs. Felicia embraced her warmly, soothing her chin.

“Finally, you have made the best decision of your life.”

 Mr. Marvin spoke and Tom, a servant in the house, went to get them a wine as ordered by Mr. Marvin. The servant wasn't in a bit happy about it.

“May I take my son along?” Andrew, spoke in the midst of their happiness, and they all frowned.

“Let's not be discouraged by some walking corpse, I will tell him what he needs to know.” 

Maryann began.

“He hasn't signed the divorce yet.”

 Aunt Pearl hissed furiously.

“I'm afraid, but you can't take my son away, he isn't your son!” 

Maryann, opened up and everyone paid keen attention. Tricia, who is a maid and Tom's twin sister, dropped a glass cup as a result of the shock. The Dominic's didn't bother to look in her direction, as they will surely come back to her and deduct it from her salary.

“The true father of Alex is Sylvester mayonnaise, so, deal with that.”

“No, I'm… We…”

 Andrew, stammered while Sylvester, sat comfortably with Alex sitting on his thighs.


Asked Tricia, The word slipped out of her tongue's indeed it should because all these years, Andrew had believed that Alex was his flesh and blood and Andrew, had been putting up with all these because of his son and the love he once thought his wife have for him.

The whole family glanced at Tricia, who maintained courtesy and yet again, they nodded they needed to know how Maryann, pulled this. It isn't like they see her at fault, definitely they wanted to applaud her smartness.

“The night I was drunk, after I discovered I was pregnant, I did tell Sylvester, but he said he was on a business journey and didn't talk more about the pregnancy of the future growing in me. I felt I lost, I was scared he wasn't going to come. So, I met Andrew at the bar that day, he sympathized and brought me home, and I had to drug him and make him believe he slept with me.  I kept in touch with him until I informed him I was pregnant. I guess he gladly accepted thinking I loved him and his wretched mind would have told him this was a mind-blowing opportunity to get entangled with the only daughter of the Dominic's.”

“Maryann! Alex isn't my son?”

 Andrew questioned so heartbroken he would rather not hear her story anymore, he had heard enough, so, the child he was so attached to and walked day and night for his sake wasn't even his. He hasn't even had a thing to his name. Little wonder they had to give him Alex Dominic and just today, he is now bearing Alex mayonnaise. So pathetic of him to be so gullible in his thought. Whoever told him he can trust a woman hundred percent.

“Oh mine! Sister, you did a superb work, that's so smart of you.” 

Stanley praised and glared at Andrew, who was already shedding tears.

“I just had to make him a pun until, I finally get to sort out things with Sylvester. Moreover, I have been recruited into his company he-he. That's double news.” 

Maryann, happily said as the maid turned drink in their cup.

“Do you want some Andrew? You should jolly with us, better things will come your way.” 

Maryann spoke and Andrew didn't say a word, he just took the pen and signed the divorce. 

Though he was reluctant to sign it, he waited thinking Maryann, could change her mind and say all this was a prank. He gazed at her, but her mind was already made up, she wasn't ready to change it. She already found new happiness and that in wealth. What does it matter, after all, his marriage with her was all lies and finally, the truth has come, so all lies will fade out and he is the lie.

He hissed and signed the divorce papers as aunt Pearl, forcefully took it from him, and they pushed him out of the sitting room.

“No! Papa! That's Papa! Don't… Mommy…. Grandma.”

Alex cried as he saw the man he had known to be his father being pushed out with his luggage.

“That man isn't your father, he can never be your father. He is wretched, you have Mommy and your Daddy now.”

 Maryann consoled his son.

“Are you my Mommy? Where have you been all these while? Daddy says he loves you and Daddy also says you love him, but you let aunt chase him away. I want to go with Daddy.”

Alex angrily said, and Maryann went mute. Where has she been, she was busy chasing her lover and Finally, she had gotten him, but, his son sees her as the villain now.

“Keep quiet! Andrew,had taught you how to speak ill of your elders? She is your Mommy and our dear son-in-law, Sylvester mayonnaise, is your father, don't speak to them in that manner.”

Mrs. Felicia queried and Alex dropped a tear sobbing.

“I went to get your father Alex, Andrew is just… was just your nanny!” 

Maryann, hoped these words sink into Alex's head else, it will be a great challenge for her. She wouldn't deny that her son is already fond of her fake father.

“Why did you say he is my Father then?” 

Alex asked as he jumped out of Sylvester thighs and went to sit alone on the couch adjacent to them.

“Let the boy go with his father.”  Tricia, spoke in annoyance and Maryann frowned. Her entire body is raging furiously, and she might inflict pain on Tricia if she descends on her.

“Tom.” she shouted and Tom, ran out to her. “

Take your stinky sister out of this place, before I send her dead body to the streets, where you all belong.

“Could you imagine?” roared Mr. Marvin.

“Get down on your knees, you think we clothe and feed you, gave you a shelter, and you have the guts to reply? I can see you have grown wings.”

Mrs. Felicia roared.

“Ma please, she is sorry.” Tom pleaded on behalf of her sister.

“Kneel as well. Chief Justice. You want to advocate for her right?”

Aunt Pearl queried and Tom, quickly knelt down while Tricia kept standing.

You all have dealt dangerously with Andrew, he doesn't deserve either of these. Young madam cheated on him. Let's say her story is true, she deceived him just to throw him away at the end. Is this what the rich do?”

Tricia angrily said. She and her twin brother had been a witness to all that has being happening in this mansion, and they daily have consoled Andrew, sometime, they even asked him to elope with his son. 

“Who made this stupid thing a judge over us. Are you normal, Tricia?” 

Maryann, asked and gave Tricia a slap on the cheek.

“Mommy no! Tricia is Papa's good friend, and she is my friend too don't hit her.”

Alex said and Maryann, pushed his son away as he hit his butt on the floor wailing.

“You are talking too much.” Sylvester drew him roughly to his side.

“You do lay with Andrew, don't you?”

Maryann,questioned angrily, still holding the collar of Tricia's uniform and she smirked.

“Does it hurt? The same day you were having a phone sex with him, not minding your husband was in the room with you?” she charged at her.

“You idiot!” she slapped and pushed her aside as she fell and hit her head on the chair handle.

“I will tell you why I said that wretched man is your father.”


she turned to her sobbing son and said.

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