
“Andrew loves you, so I wanted to make him pay for the love. Darling, I needed to get you a heart donor.” 

She said and everyone looked at her in surprise, seems there is a lot Maryanne has been hiding after all.

“How does that relate to Andrew? Were you going to ask him to find a donor or were you going to ask him to pay…” 

Stanley,questioned curiously and every other person nodded while Alex, kept looking at Maryann, it's obvious he doesn't know what's going on in his life.

“I'm I going to die now that Papa has left?”  

He asked and Sylvester,clenched his fist for the boy kept calling Andrew his father.

“No. I wanted to get Andrew, abduct him then, inject him while we carry out the operation.”

“You were going to kill Andrew?”.

 Tom asked, standing to his feet and Maryann, regretted why he didn't send them out before saying all this. She let her anger have the better of her.

“Who gave these urchins the liberty to press forth opinion in their master's discussion?”

Sylvester queried angrily. 

“It is no opinion, it is a query.” 

Tricia, Finally stood from her laying position and answered she held her bleeding head and flinched in pain. Knowing the next thing that will happen, she ran towards the door, and without a pause, ran out of the mansion. Tom was locked into a room since, he wasn't smart enough to run away with his sister.

“Regardless, we need to get Andrew wherever he is.” 

Aunt Pearl spoke wickedly.

While Andrew, left he went to the quarters where he normally, pick trash, there he sat and wept because, he had nowhere else to go. He would have gone back to his delivery job, but, he couldn't anymore.

“Hey! Man, what's up?”

Asked a man in a green t-shirt and black trousers to Andrew.

“My wife just divorced me so, I…”


Before he could finish speaking, the man dipped his hands in his pocket and showed him something. It was Maryann, and Sylvester, confessing love to each other.

“Their engagement is in a week time, look what the madam and the entire public speak of you.”

Andrew, quickly, grabbed the phone and read through the comments.

“He is such a woebegone, trying to reap where he didn't sow, he can never sow such so, he shouldn't dream of reaping it.” 

“He is an enemy of progress. Whatever makes him think he can separate two lovers has failed.”

 He read through the comments, a million of them, as he wept. Little did he know that all the energy and effort he had been putting forth to make his in-laws happy, they had finally used it against him. They have uploaded his trash picking job and also a video of how he did run from one position to another opening the gate and washing the cars like his life depended on it.

“Has it been that long? We got divorced that Maryann, will have to do this?”

 He wept, asking the questions to the young man beside him. Just then someone came and called him.

“An old man seeks your service.”

The person said and left while Andrew, looked and sighed he wasn't going to render service to anyone, a lot had happened to him today, so,there was nothing more he had to say nor do.

“Forget your predicament, don't cry over spilt milk just go and answer. Life still moves on, with or without Maryann. She is from a rich home so, she can never classify you into her league.” 

The young man advised Andrew and returned to his work while Andrew, sluggishly, stood to his feet and went to meet the old man who seeks him.

“Welcome Andrew Pablo, please have your seat.” 

The man, greeted with reverence and Andrew, looked down on himself. Andrew hasn't know his surname. It was like he was born into nowhere, so, he has been bearing Andrew,Andrew.

“Oh yes! I could see a thousand and one question running through your mind, he-he. Luke Pablo, was your father before he passed away and I, LED portable, was your father's old-time friend. He had given it to me as a mantle to find you.”

“How did you know this is me?” 

Andrew, asked doubting again. For the man they speak of, is a demigod of wealth. He owns sixteen companies in reputable countries, his fame isn't one to be ignored.

“Your appearance, Moreover, I have been following you from the day you started working here, the day you fell into the pool as a result of packing out the trash.” 

He spoke and Andrew frowned. He didn't know how to swim, so he had, mistakenly fallen into the pool that day he almost passed away.

“So?” he asked keenly, finally taking a seat and the old man smiled at him.

“Out of my curiosity, seeing the tattoo on your chest, I had to take your blood sample and run a test.”  

Andrew had the Paris tower drawn on the left side of his chest. It has been like that since he knew the difference between bad and wrong.

“Your father had given you that tattoo, when you were little after which, your mother took you away for fear of you being killed by your father's rivalry.”

“Where is my mother?”

 Andrew quickly asked, his eyes sparkling in great joy.

“I do not know where lady Douglas is at the moment. It's being a very long time since we last saw her, that was after your father died in a plane crash. So, Andrew Pablo my son, the company, the wealth has been waiting for you, do well to assume the position, of whom you really are. You ain't a nobody, you ain't made to be picking trrash.”

The man said and Andrew, wept for his father, probably if his father was alive, he wouldn't have suffered this much

Maryanne wouldn't have treated him in such a manner.

He wept and finally rose to his feet, ready to follow the young man. His worn out small bag and clothes were thrown away as a clean Benz stopped its motion in their front. The old man entered, and some bodyguards opened the back door for Andrew to enter, and he entered reluctantly. He doesn't know what will become of his future in the next minute, but, he certainly hopes something better than where he left awaits him.

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