
The news all over the city was all about the return of the Pablo heir. The news says the lost son of the Pablo's is back to take over from where his father stopped, and he is yet to review his real identity.

“The Pablo has an heir?” 

Mr. Marvin asked as he watched the news keenly.

“They have, all along, been my role models. I can't wait for whoever their son is,so I can extend a hand of friendship to them through business.” 

Stanley said, as he sipped from the wine, keenly listening to the reporters on the TV.

“Who is that?” 

Alex, quickly said, immediately he saw someone who looked familiar on the TV screen.


Maryann asked, looking at his son. He has tried his best to calm the little boy down, and it seems like he is calm a bit now, but not completely.

“I saw Papa, displayed beside the lady on the screen.” 

He pointed and Maryann frowned, while, every other family member in the sitting room laughed loudly.

“The boy is hallucinating, we have to take out the Andrew syndrome from him.” 

Aunt Pearl, said, smiling in a mockery way. It was becoming obvious Maryann, won't be able to rule the boy's mind.

“What are you saying, Alex? How could you see Andrew that wretched thing beside the lady giving the news? Andrew is a poverty stinking individual.”

Mrs. Felicia said in anger and Alex looked at his mother's face and Maryann sighed deeply.

“Maybe, he is seeking a favor if you actually saw him there. He is now a vagabond, that's what he is always anyway.” 

Maryann, angrily explained, with no intention of explaining again to his son as he picked his purse from the chair handle, heading towards the door. She was going to the shopping mall, to get things for Alex since his birthday, is in two days time.

“Mama, let me come with you” Alex pleaded.

“It won't be necessary, I won't stay long. Silly Tom, Should look after you, ensure he feeds you whatever you want.” 

Maryann, commanded and Alex, nodded in disappointment.  Tom, stood at the side with bruises all over his face as he motioned Alex to come, and the boy reluctantly stood to his feet.


A clean Range Rover stopped at the front of an expanse boutique, it was the boutique for the rich. It was a shopping mall owned by a very reputable fellow, a family friend of the Dominic family and every rich dude in town comes there.

Emerging from the car was Andrew Pablo in great splendor. He wore a simple black T-shirt and a trouser, while he put on a black shade. Mere looking at Andrew, one could tell something had happened to him. Something good, obviously. Even though, he isn't lavishing it, from afar one could tell his appearance, personality, and ascent has encountered a change.

“Sorry!”  Andrew, apologized as he bumped into a lady who was dragging her troll from the boutique towards another quarter of the shop.

“Are you blind or something, you rascal!” 

She insulted while, the bodyguards, some inch away from Andrew, tried to discipline her, but Andrew stopped them on seeing that it's Maryann. Yet, Maryann, haven't raised her head to see the fellow she was talking to because,she was busy searching for stain in her expensive tailored dress all the way from Paris.

“An apology should be accepted, or isn't an apology okay?” 

Andrew asked, smirking at her arrogance.

“Your net worth and that of your family can't afford this dress, stupid fellow.”

She cursed and raised her hands to slap him, just immediately, Andrew drew back and removed the black shade. And, Maryann's hands were held in the air by the bodyguards.

“Not a finger should you lay on him.” 

The gentleman showing no expression on his face warned Maryann sternly, and she twitched her lips and began laughing after dropping her hands.

“It is the woebegone once upon a time puppet son-in-law. Hahaha!”

She laughed, clapping her hands loud and speaking in a high pitch tone because she wanted to attract the attention of everyone.

“What lies has he told you guys at the moment? Huh! He might have spread countless lies, but don't believe this useless and poverty dying individual. If you would like to shed your lives for him, you all have made a great mistake because, your families won't be compensated for it. He doesn't have anything to his name.”

Maryann, spoke in disgust, staring at the bodyguards, while Andrew, just stood and was looking at him. He didn't utter a word, he kept his hands in his pocket and wore back his shade while signaling his bodyguards to be calm.

“Don't you think you have spoken too much, Maryann?”

 He calmly said, and she couldn't control it anymore.

“Are you scared I'm spilling your secrets and exposing your tactics? You ungrateful dog that I fed! Even until now, you eat from the streets in the slum!”

She insulted. All this happened as more people, took videos and pictures. The worst was that Maryann, had given someone her phone to video this all incident.

“ Maryann!” Andrew roared in anger and, Maryann, smiled.

“You are a thing I will trample and always trample upon, you are nothing to me and to your existence. I wish a truck to swipe you off the earth because, you are a disgrace to reputable men.”

She insulted and Andrew, clenched his wrist. Maryann, wasn't bothered about the pain she caused him, rather she is adding more injury to the salt. But, it's all good for Andrew because finally, the woman, whom he married those years, has revealed her real identity. She has shown how much venom she has.

“This identity you are trying to show off, is fake maybe, you became an errand boy to a wealthy man, who thinks you are a good head. One advice Andrew, you are a woebegone, and can never arise to anything.”

She said, and pushed Andrew to a side as she walked past him. The bodyguards smiled because, it's obvious Maryann, doesn't know the personality of Andrew presently she is still oblivious to whom he really is. Again, Andrew, took a deep breath and smiled. Maryann, could talk to him in that way here because, she is connected to the owners of this boutique because, Stanley is engaged to their daughter but, he is going to show them all. All of them all. He will make them pay for all they have done.

Andrew, walked to the sale personnel, as she didn't answer him after seeing and hearing what Maryann said.

“How may I help you?”

She answered rudely and Andrew, smiled as he brought out his black card and the lady looked at him as she made to make a call.

“Sir, this is for grand master, sir LED Portable has asked you, to use this. You don't have to take from your income now.”  

One of the bodyguards with Andrew said and the lady, held the phone a bit close to her ears without saying a thing, deliberating whether she should make the call or not. Shortly, a lady with a good height, fair complexion and with a good personality came out in anger.

“Where is the fraudster?” 

The lady stormed out angrily and the sales personnel was signaling her to calm down, since this might be a misunderstanding. she had already given the theft alarm and the cops were already on their way.

“You?” The woman said in disgust, and Andrew glanced at her, she recognized the woman, and he removed his shade. The woman gave a scornful laugh.

“You servant!”  She insulted, and the sales personnel glanced at Andrew, then at her boss and gave a hiss.

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