

Whispered the bodyguards in annoyance, as they made to teach the woman a lesson, but Andrew, kept stopping them. He actually, wanted to know the people on his bad side. He has received much humiliation from the past because, all those are now his past, but he shouldn't take it this time any more,he is now the demigod.

“Who did you steal from this time?” 

“Mrs. Rambo, I wouldn't stand you, pointing your fingers at me or speaking another word to tarnish my image else, I will make you and your household beg in the streets.” 

Andrew, warned he wasn't joking because, his tone gave off authority and great power.

Moreover, because Mrs. Rambo, hadn't learned of who he was, and still thinks he is the same Street man, she didn't take his words to heart.

“You thing,dare raise your voice on me? I can make you live your entire miserable life in jail.” 

She insulted and Andrew, laughed while he went to take a seat in the coolest place inside the store and commanded that a drink should be given him and they did immediately. Shortly, Mrs. Rambo walked in with the cops, who instead of questioning Andrew, began questioning her.

“We got a message that you were facing public harassment, so we came immediately,we are grateful for your patience master.” 

One of the cops apologized and Andrew just sipped from the wine as Mrs. Rambo looked confused.

“You are mistaking, I called your toll line, and he was abusing me. He is a fraudster, an impersonator.” 

She spoke furiously in an arrogant manner and that annoyed Andrew greatly as he removed his shade and called unto her.

“Mrs. Rambo, I have given you time to regain your sanity, but you refused I guess I'm starting off with you, evacuate this place immediately. As a matter of fact, I'm taking this. Moreover, it was owned by my father, grand master Luke Pablo, and as the Pablo's heir, this contract is over I give you 6hrs, to leave this environment and sign your name off this sleet.”

He commanded in authority and rose to his feet.

“Do you know Pablo, he is such a great man. Do you know how much my husband bid for this, it was a contract, yes! And …”  

She kept ranting and then, paused when her sales personnel showed her something gaining massive likes and billions of comments online.

“His he really the Pablo's heir? The son we all have been hoping to see?  Ohh no! That's a very hateful thing.” 

She lamented and fainted seeing that, Andrew, entered his car as some goods were put inside the car boot, and they zoomed off leaving the cops to do their work now.

“Sir! Please renounce your words, my boss has fainted I don't want her to die. I haven't been paid my salary. It's just a little change, but I really need it.”

The sales personnel lamented, but Andrew was already gone. He isn't here to listen to whatever they're lamenting.  He is fully ready to take revenge on them all and rule this city like a great emperor.

“That's solely a little of what I can do. I will ridicule him fraudster, he dares speak to me about forgiveness.”

Maryann, lamented as she came down from the car, forcefully in anger, hitting the car door on the hands of the maid who came to help her carry the things she bought.

“What is it, sister?”

 Stanley asked, seeing how angry and frowned Maryann's face was.

“Could you believe I saw Andrew at the Rambo mall?  Andrew dare challenge me.” 

She fumed in great angry, . It looked like the wickedness in her heart was becoming higher than she can control.

“Andrew? Doing what in the Rambo mall?” 

Mrs. Felicia, asked in disgust.

“A woebegone like him?”

 Asked Aunt Pearl, surprised.

“Ohh, dear, but you did teach him a great lesson. You have shamed him greatly on the internet, and this will be a great thing for him to always remember.”

Aunt Pearl, spoke excitedly as she saw the doing at the mall on Maryann's page, and she knows for sure this has gone viral.

“Why is Andrew dressed like this? When has he gained such a sense of fashion and money to purchase those knockabout?” 

Mr. Marvin asked, as he logged into his phone, seeing things for himself.

“He is a fraudster, he is just trying to act who he is not, so he could get another prey. This is just the beginning of his doom until he dies.” 

she said aggressively. 

“Where is Alex, my son Tom?”

She angrily called and Tom answered immediately, replying that he was bathing the boy. When Andrew was around, he used to be Alex's nanny and everything and now, Tom has to taken over.

“Hurry with that you scum, Tricia, will realize the fraudster she was vouching for when she finally sees his true identity. Only if Tricia is Alive.” 

She said in a malicious tone, and soon her phone beeped.

“Oh darling, like what you did to him, he deserved it. More are coming his way. He will regret ever crossing paths with us.” 

Sylvester praised her evil act, and she smiled as her dark eyes became darker, and she smiled as though she has more wicked things to do.

“Mommy! Mommy! I saw Papa, riding on a royal white horse, the horse was lavishly arrayed.”

Alex, spoke immediately, he ran to welcome his Mother.

“If you weren't my son, I would have flung you to the grave. I would rather not hear you call that pig Andrew your Papa anymore. Sir, Sylvester mayonnaise, is your father, he is your daddy, and I am your Mommy.”

 She cautioned him sternly, holding tightly to his ears.

“But, Sir Sylvester wasn't here all these while. Moreover, Papa was riding on the horse in my dreams.”

“Dreams like that can never be real, it's an illusion! Don't ever let Andrew, manipulate your mind.”

“Quickly get adequate rest and prepare for your pre birthday party.”

Maryann, scolded his son. She dislikes it that the man she hated greatly, her son, is just fond of him. And since the boy doesn't want to heed easily to her, he will have to learn it the hard way.

“Tom!!! She screamed even though, Tom was Standing there in a corner, the way he always stands.

“Stupid fellow, what are you gazing at? Take Alex and feed him.” 

She commanded and Tom did that immediately, Alex, didn't stress him, he just obediently followed him.

“Look here, Andrew in a Mansion, here,he is alighting from a private jet.”

Mr. Marvin, quickly adjusted from his seat, looking at the picture he wouldn't believe this.

“All fraud, probably he edited it.”

Maryann said, picking up her phone.

“This couldn't be a joke, this blog says, the man claimed to be the Pablo's heir has taken the Rambo mall after some exchange of abusive words.”

Aunt Pearl, read it out loud.

“It's a lie. Call Mrs. Rambo” 

Maryann denied. She left the mall, so that magic couldn't have happened.

They called Mrs. Rambo phone, but it wasn't reachable when they called the office line, they were told she had been hospitalized.


 All questioned in unison looking at the faces of each other.

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