
In the cool of the evening, was a man in a black suit and black glasses, seated in a corner, in the extravagant party hall. On his table were seated men who mattered soon, he stood from his seat and walked towards a direction in the house and entered a beautiful room. There a boy was standing looking out through the window as though he were expecting someone on his special day.

“Hello boy!” The man in a black suit called, and the boy turned to look at him.

“Expecting someone?” He asked as the boy paused and looked at him, walking close in sadness.

“Papa Andrew has refused to return. I do not know why.”

He answered timidly.

“Do you love him so?”

He asked and the boy nodded.

“Why are you here then?” He questioned again, as he squatted to his level and the boy lingers behind.

“Mother has told me to sit here quietly, and I should come out when I want to receive my present or when she orders. But, Papa promised to buy me a present on my birthday today. I don't understand why he has to go
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