Twenty four

Andrew, got to the office and, everyone was marvelled to see him. It was like they didn't expect to see him here and now. He braced himself and kept his heads high while he walked the massive company.

“Is that really the CEO?” said a young man.

“Oh no! It should be a ghost or I am definitely having a nightmare. Wasn't he burnt to death?”

Another responded in great surprise and fright.

“Keep quiet he might hear you. Moreover, I heard he ran away so, he wasn't...”

Andrew glanced at them with an evil glare immediately he walked closer knowing they were discussing about him. They quickly dismissed themselves and walked to their various position in the office.

Andrew, inhaled and just when he thought he has chased them away, the Media came from out of the blues.

“Good day Sir, can you tell us what generated to the fire incident in your Victorian?”

“Yes Sir! Did you suspect anyone to have been the cause of the fire incident?”

Asked another.

“Sir, would you mind telling us how you flee?”

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