Twenty three

He is got enough to drink.”

Andrew, said, looking at Mr. Mayonnaise,laying helplessly on the bed which they have put him. Andrew, couldn't believe the man let go of himself so easily. Maybe alcohol is his weakness.

“That made our work so easier. He is still gullible yet, he claims to be complicated.”

Sir LED Portable, muttered and left retiring to his room. While Andrew, stood there for a while, glancing at the contract paper and at the the man lying there.

“Sir, you have got a phone call.”

Gapore said to his boss and Andrew,left there, went into his room to know who is beeping his phone. Behold, it was Mr. Marvin Dominic, Andrew, hesitated for a while before picking up the call.

“Andrew, my son it's really being a long time. How are you doing?”

He asked in a fatherly tone and Andrew, smirked.

“Go straight to the point.”

Andrew commanded

“You can't talk to your father in-law, in that manner boy!”

“I can't remember being your son-in-law, and you my father in-law, I beg of you Mr. Mar
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