Lost and Found

Tyrone sat there in silence as he continued to stare in disbelief at the woman he had referred to as mother all his life. 

"You can't be serious." Was the only thing that came out of Tyrone's mouth. 

"Of course, she is, for twenty three years, your parents continued to search for you, even when they went on to have other children a year after you were kidnapped, they still continued searching for you," Jason told him. 

Tyrone listened in silence, allowing the new revelation to sink in. 

"You mentioned something about them being late, what happened to them, how did they die?" Tyrone asked flatly. 

Jason did the sign of the cross before he went on to answer, "May their souls rest in perfect peace. They were good people until their death." Jason paused for a moment as if to reflect on something before he added, "Your mother died of heart disease and your father couldn't take the news of her death."

"He knew that he was going to join her soon and willed all of his properties to your grandfather instead of your younger brother, Rollins, Hoping that one day you'll be found to inherit your father's properties." 

"Wait, hold on a minute!" Tyrone said, putting up a finger, "You mean... Rollins Jefferson is my brother?" Tyrone asked, his eyes bulging in surprise. 

"Yes, he is." Amanda was the one who answered. 

"So if Rollins Jefferson is my biological brother, then that means that..."

"Zayn Jefferson is your real father." Jason completed the sentence for him. 

Tyrone's jaw hung down in bewilderment as the realization dawned on him. "Zayn Jefferson is my father!" Tyrone repeated, his heart pounding vigorously against his chest as his whole body went numb. 

"You mean the owner of the Zayn's multimillion dollar companies is my real father?" Tyrone asked, averting his gaze. 

"Yes, Tyrone," Jason answered, watching Tyrone closely as if he were studying a specimen. 

Tyrone turned to look at the woman who was standing in front of him, not knowing what to address her as. As he continued to stare at her, he didn't know whether to be angry or to be disappointed but what he had just discovered was the biggest shock he had received in his entire life, even bigger than finding out that Judy never loved him. 

He opened his mouth to express his inexplicable feeling but he closed it back when no words were forthcoming. 

"I'm so sorry, my son." Amanda struggled to get up from the floor. 

"Don't you dare call me that?" Tyrone warned in a low and dangerous tone and Amanda fell silent instantly. 

After a few minutes of awkward silence, Tyrone decided to ask Jason "So, how did you discover that I was Tyrone Jefferson after 26 years, you wouldn't have been able to know what I looked like when the last time you guys saw me was when I was still a few months old." 

"Well, it wasn't you who we recognized from the video, it was Amanda." 

"What video and what are you talking about?" Tyrone asked with furrowed brows. 

"Well uhm, you see, a few months back, your grandfather fell ill, seriously ill and he had to be transferred to the city, and due to his sickness, he couldn't continue looking for you, not until this morning when we found a video of you in a wedding and in at an award show making rounds on the internet." 

"Wait, there are videos of me being disgraced on the internet?" Tyrone asked in disbelief, his cheeks flushing red in embarrassment. 

"Yes, there are. So in the first video, we found Amanda trying to console you before we saw you. I know it was you the moment I saw you. You like exactly like your father, Tyrone." Jason said and let out a wide smile. 

Tyrone's eyes fell to the floor, how did the videos of him make it to the internet so quickly? 

"And when I knew that it was you, I started looking for means to get to you, until a kind nurse decided to look you up. I was skeptical about that because I thought that Amanda must have changed your first name but obviously, she was stupid enough not to." Jason said and shot her a hateful look. 

"Your grandfather's illness miraculously alleviated when I told him that we had found you and he immediately instructed that we came home with you to continue your treatment." 

Tyrone just swallowed and continued to stare. He looked up from Amanda and then back to Jason, before looking around the whole room. 

"So this is who I really am, and you kept this from me, Mother." 

"I'm sorry, Tyrone, I really needed a child..." 

"And you decided to steal me from my own family not caring if I'd find out about it later on." 

"I'm sorry," Amanda repeated, her wrinkles intensifying with the deep frown on her face. 

"Once you're better, your grandfather would love to see you," Jason informed him. 

"I'm better now," Tyrone said and immediately stood up from the bed. 

"What the?" Amanda expressed her shock as she watched him stand upright. 

"Can we go see him now?" Tyrone asked, unsure if he was ready to meet his biological family himself. 

"Okay then, this way," Jason said and pointed in the direction of the exit door. "You stay here Amanda, and don't even try to escape." 

Amanda suddenly broke down in tears, shaking her head. 

Even after what she had done with Tyrone, he couldn't stand to watch her cry. He averted his gaze and walked out of the room briefly when his heart was starting to melt, he wasn't going to forgive her easily. 

"Come this way, Tyrone. Your brother is so not going to like the fact that we've found you." Jason said. 

Tyrone swallowed the bile in his throat as they stopped in front of what seemed to be his grandfather's room. 

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