Old Past, New Beginnings

Jason pushed through the door and motioned to Tyrone to make his way inside. Tyrone peeked inside before he made his way in. The room looked nothing like a bedroom, it looked more like a conference room to Tyrone. 

Jason walked past him and into the room. 

"Tyrone, after all these years.. " the old man said, stretching his hand out to Tyrone. 

"Grandfather?" Tyrone didn't know when the word escaped his lips. 

"Don't you think it's too soon to be referring to him as that?" A man said. 

Tyrone hadn't taken notice of the people in the room so he looked around and realized that there were two other people in the room. 

The man who had said that walked up to Tyrone. Tyrone's eyes bulged seeing a man that looked exactly like him walking up to him. Tyrone could perceive the heavy whiff of the expensive cologne the man wore. 

"You think you can just barge in here and call anyone names as you please huh?" The man said rudely, obviously annoyed by Tyrone's presence. 

"And I suppose you might be Rollins," Tyrone said calmly and clutched his stomach when the pain came kicking again. 

"Oh, I see you know who I am already," Rollins responded, arching his brows. "Well since you know who I am already let me sound this as a warning to you." 

"You're a nobody and that is who you will continue to be," Rollins said, wagging a finger at him. 

Tyrone couldn't contain his surprise. His own brother who he thought would have been excited over his return was now the one who loathed him the most. 

"Don't think that you can come in here and take what's mine 'cause if I see you anywhere close to any of my father's properties, I'm going to make sure that you regret ever stepping foot in his house," Rollins swore. 

"Let him be Rollins!" The old man said and coughed. 

"Save your breath, Grandpa," Rollins said and walked back to his grandfather to kiss him on the forehead. 

"I'm out of here. And as you, dirty pig, you better watch the path with which you thread." Rollins said and stormed out of the room. 

"You must be Tyrone?" A girl who looked about 18 walked up to him and put his hand around his neck. He tried to push her away from him, thinking that he was still dressed in his old clothes but then he looked down and realized that he had been changed out of his blood stained clothes. 

Unsure of how to react, he put his arms around her and hugged her back. 

"We're so glad to have you back." The girl said against his shoulder before breaking the hug. 

"My name is Melinda. And I'm your sister" She said with a smile on her face. "And I must warn you to stay out of Rollins' way, he might be my brother but sometimes, what he does makes me afraid of him." 

"Who says that I'm afraid of him?" Tyrone asked, trying to conceal the fear in his voice. 

"Just be careful of him," Melinda said and walked back to their grandfather. 

"Come here, my boy." The old man gestured to Tyrone. "Don't mind Rollins, he's usually like that. He'll get around, just give him some time." The man added and reached up to caress Tyrone's cheeks. 

"You look so much like your father." The man said with a weak smile. "My time is almost up my boy and thank heavens that you've been found because Rollins is in no position to inherit your father's properties." He said and coughed heavily while Tyrone watched, unable to know how to feel. 

"Jason get me the documents." The old man ordered Jason who ran out of the room to do as he was told, he came back running the next minute and Tyrone wondered how he could run that fast despite his old age. 

"Sign here my boy." The old man said after Jason opened the document and handed it to him. 

Jason shoved a pen at Tyrone who took it and signed the papers. 

"What are they for?" He finally asked. 

"This is to certify that you're now the owner of Zayn's multimillion dollar companies," Jason replied. 

"Oh my goodness!" Tyrone exclaimed, stepping back. 

Barely a minute after he had said that, his grandfather gave up the ghost. 

"Grandpa? No, no way, this can't be happening, Grandpa." Melinda yelled, shaking him gently. "Grandpa, please wake up." 

"Come now, Melinda," Tyrone recovered from his shock quickly and held Melinda as she cried against his chest. 

Jason signaled to him to lead her out of the room while he did the sign of the cross and covered the old man's whole body with a sheet. 

"Grandpa please don't leave me." Melinda cried, choking on her tears. 

"It's okay, Mel... Melinda." Tyrone managed to call out her name. 

Jason joined them out of the room and took Melinda away from him. "Come this way." He said and led Tyrone to where the real conference room was. 

"Go in there and address whoever you see." That was the only thing Jason said before he led Melinda away. 

"What! You're not going to come with me?" Tyrone exclaimed. But Jason didn't respond and continued moving. 

Tyrone looked at the large door and took a deep breath before he pushed through the door with both hands and walked inside. 

Tyrone hadn't closed the door before the people seated around the gigantic conference table got up and started clapping their hands. 

"Congratulations boss." A man walked up to him, took his hand, and shook it. 

"Congratulations," another lady said with a smile. Tyrone noticed that at about twenty people were seated around the table including Rollins and he felt his heart skip a beat. 

"Give me the companies, Tyrone and I'm going to let you off with a ten million dollars." Rollins bellowed, getting up from his chair. 

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