The Plot

"Didn't you hear me, you dumb fool? I know you've signed the documents already." Rollins said and started approaching him. 

"So why not give the companies to someone else who will be in a better position to handle them than you," Rollins said in a mocking tone. 

"I won't sell those companies to you, Rollins and besides, they're not worth ten million dollars." Tyrone intoned. 

"I see that you're not as dumb as I thought," Rollins said with a slick smile on his face. "You have twenty four hours to make up your mind," Rollins said and walked out of the conference room. 

"Please get seated, sir." The man who had shaken his hand said. "My name is Malcolm and I'm the one who manages the company." 

"Woah, you manage all five companies at once." Tyrone voiced out his surprise. 

"Yes, I do." He said and sat back down. He handed a small package to Tyrone. 

"What's this?" Tyrone asked before opening the package. 

"In there is your new phone with a new bank account that has been created for you with your new name, you will now be addressed as Tyrone Jefferson." 

Tyrone looked up at him before he took out the iPhone 15 Pro Max. 

"Oh my!" He exclaimed and took out another item from the package. It was the key to a Rolls Royce. 

"Oh my!" Tyrone exclaimed again. "Are these really mine?" He asked in surprise, and before he could ask something else again, a notification came in on the phone. 

"A credit alert?" Tyrone asked as he stared in disbelief at the screen. 

[Your account number ending with xxx3467 has been credited with $20,000,000.]

"Oh my goodness!" Tyrone exclaimed in surprise, almost jumping out of his seat. 

"Seventy percent of the money is yours while the remaining thirty percent is to be put back into the company and be generated into another twenty million dollars within a week else, you'll lose your position as the CEO of the five companies." 

"A week to make back twenty million dollars, that's outrageous, why don't I just give back the twenty dollars that was given to me?" Tyrone asked in disbelief. 

"No, it doesn't work that way," Malcolm said to him. 

"You'll have to make the money back in less than a week before anyone here starts to see you as a failure." He added and then went on to introduce the people that were seated around the table and one by one, they all came and shook hands with him before taking their leaves. 

Tyrone was now left with Malcolm. Tyrone could tell that something was off about Malcolm but he couldn't pin a finger on it. 

"I heard that you sustained an injury, so we'll start having meetings when you're better," he said and walked out, leaving Tyrone to his thoughts. 

"How the hell am I supposed to make twenty million dollars in just a week, or is this some kind of trap?" He asked himself, getting up from his chair. 

"I don't even know a darn thing about what being a CEO is," Tyrone said to himself. 

The next minute, the door opened and Jason walked in. 

"Tyrone?" He called, drawing attention to himself. "your nurse wants to see you, she needs to give you the remaining treatment for the day before she leaves." 

"Jason, I need to ask you something..." 

"I know what you're about to ask me but I know nothing about your father's companies even though I've been with him for years. The person in the right position to answer all your questions would be the manager of the companies or Rollins." 

'Rollins isn't an option now.' Tyrone thought to himself. 

"Do you know where the manager lives and why didn't Grandfather tell me about the benchmark I have to reach before the week ends?" He asked but Jason simply shrugged his shoulders in response. 

"I told you, I don't know anything about the company." He added. "Let's go back to your room, the nurse is still waiting for you." He said and they both walked out of the conference room. 


"What do you mean by twenty million?" Rollins bellowed, hitting his fists on the table in front of him. 

"Is that how high you could raise the stakes?" 

"Sir, you need to calm down, Tyrone wouldn't be able to make the twenty million even if we gave him a year," Malcolm replied calmly. 

"You're putting the companies at risk!" 

"No, I'm not sir. Once Tyrone fails to meet up with the deadline, the companies will be totally handed back to its rightful owner which is you." 

"I doubt that. He has already signed the documents. How much pill did you put into the old man's food, his death was too late." Rollins said, curling his fist into a ball. 

"Just the rightful amount sir, I thought you wanted him dead sooner?" 

"Yes I did, I wanted him dead before he gave Tyrone those documents." 

"I'm sorry sir, I didn't realise that." Malcolm said.

"How would you, you old fool!" Rollins shot at him. 

"My sincere apologies, sir. Should I start making preparations for the burial?" 

"No, Jason would handle that, besides he was the closest to my grandfather while he was still alive. I wish I had the chance to strangle that old fool myself." Rollins seethed. "He never saw any good in me, despite all my efforts." 

Malcolm had no words with which to reply so he simply nodded his head. "I'm sorry too sir." He said at last. 

"Keep your eyes on Jason, make sure that he doesn't reveal any more information to that bastard, Tyler, or whatever his name is," Rollins said. 

"You have my word sir." 

"Good, now get out of my room." He said and dismissed him with a wave of hand. The moment Malcolm exited his room, he picked up his phone and dialed Melinda's line. 

"Melinda, wipe your tears and come to my office now." He said and dropped the call. 

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