Rollins- Evil Incarnate

"Tell me what you did to Grandpa or else I'm going to report you to the police!!" Melinda threatened, standing across from Rollins with her heart racing in her chest. 

"Do you think I'm scared of the police, my dear?" He said with a sly smile and stood up from his office chair, making his way slowly toward her. 

"You killed him, didn't you?" She bellowed. 

"I only rescued him from his sufferings." 

"You monster!" 

"Now, now, my dear, there's no time to shed fake tears." 

"They're not fake, I loved Grandfather with all my heart." She yelled at him. 

"Oh save me that." He said with a wave of his hand. 

"We barely have time on our hands, we need to make our move." He said and walked back to his seat. 

"What's the plan?" Melinda sniffed and wiped the tears from her eyes. 

"We need to take Tyrone out of the picture and you're in the rightful position to do that." He said as he picked up a pen and began to fiddle with it. 

"Oh no, never, I will never take the life of someone, especially not my brother's." 

"You don't even know this man, Melinda." He scoffed. 

"That doesn't mean that I'm going to kill him." Melinda retorted. 

"How much do you think it would cost?" Rollins asked and rested his back on the chair, watching her closely. 

"What?! Do you really think I'm interested in your money? I'm still young and I just left high school, I need to go to college and not be involved in your mess of a business." 

"Oh, but this is our family's business you can't run away from it because you are a Jefferson," Rollins said with a tinge of sarcasm in his tone. 

"Now you're going to put this in Tyrone's food." He said, taking out a little bottle from his breast pocket and setting it on the table. 

"Just two drops will do the job." He said. 

"No way, you're going to make me do that. What if the police find out I don't want to spend the rest of my life in prison."

"Would you just stop involving the police,  no one is going to find out and no one is going to jail," Rollins said, voicing out his frustration. 

"I don't care what you say, I'm not going to kill him," Melinda said putting her foot down. 

"Okay then, I guess I'll have to do it the hard way instead," Rollins said and put the bottle back into his breast pocket. 

He stood up and was about to make his way out of the office when Melinda stopped him. 

"You're not saying anything about me going to college, Rollins." She said. 

"We'll talk about that later, right now, I have a lot of things to attend to." 

"You mean killing Tyrone?" 

"Yes and a lot more," Rollins said and smiled to himself. "And I know the perfect person for the job." He added and walked out. 


Rollins continued to check his phone constantly for the address to be sure that he was on the right track. 

"I think this is the place." He said and parked his car by the roadside, he wanted to continue the rest of the journey on foot. 

He stared at his phone again to be sure before walking up to the house. 

"Man, this place reeks, he said as he rang the door's bell three times before it was opened by a woman whose face immediately metamorphosed into a look of shock. 

"Oh my goodness, are you Rollins Jefferson?" She asked. 

"Yes I am, and I suppose you're Judy." 

"Yes, yes, I am!" Judy squealed excitedly. "Please do come in." She said. 

"Oh no I do not wish to, I'm sorry but I have someplace to be." 

"Okay, no problem," Judy responded, stepping out of the house. 

"I have an important job for you," he started. "I believe you know Tyrone." 

"That dog, of course, I know him," Judy replied causing Rollins' face to light up in a wide smile. 

"I'm glad we both share the same stand about him." 

"Tyrone happens to be the biological brother I never wanted and I need you to take him out for me." 

"Hold on a sec, Tyrone is your brother, how is that even possible, you're a well known business tycoon and Tyrone is a nobody." 

"Exactly my point, which is why I need you to take him out for me." 

"Take him out?" Judy asked, furrowing her brows. "I'm sorry but in as much as I hate him, I can't possibly kill him." 

"Oh no, no, you're not going to kill him, I just want you to distract me for me. You can do that, or can't you?" 

"Uhm...well...I uhm, I think I can do that." She stuttering. 

"Beautiful, as soon as the job is done, I'm going to transfer the sum of five hundred thousand dollars to your bank account." 

"Five hundred thousand dollars!" Judy exclaimed, clamping her hands over her mouth. "of course I'm going to carry out the plan perfectly." 

"Great." He said and took out a card from his pocket, "I want you to be at this address by tonight at nine pm sharp, I want you to put on your best dress and your best make up, make sure not to disappoint me." He said and without waiting for a response, he turned and walked away. 

The slick smile on his face remained as he made his way back to the car, he took out his phone and phoned Malcolm. 

"Malcolm? Make sure to put everything in order, she has agreed to visit Tyrone by nine ọ clock, make sure that he doesn't suspect anything." Rollins said, putting on a serious face. "Everything must go as planned." He added. 

"You have my word boss, I'll make sure that no mistakes are made," Malcolm said from the other end of the phone. 

Rollins nodded his head before he dropped the call and walked back to his car. 

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