Chapter 2: Shadows of Deception

Rowland remained rooted to the spot in the doctor’s office, his mind reeling from the unexpected news. Mrs. Patricia's surgery was paid for, and someone had referred to him as "master"? It didn't make any sense.

He was just a poor orphan that was on the street before Grandpa Jones helped him out of his misery. Even though things are getting hard for him at the moment, at least he was not on the street anymore.

“Doctor, did the person leave a name?” Rowland asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

The doctor shook his head. “No, Mr. Rowland, they didn’t leave a name. But they did leave this card.” 

“What card is that doctor?” Rowland was absolutely curious, looking eager to see the card.

The doctor reached into his desk and handed Rowland a small, white card with an embossed gold number on it. “They said you should call this number and that someone will come to pick you up.”

Pick him up to where? At this point, Rowland was completely confused. First, he was being referred to as “Master”, now they want to come pick him up. It was actually hard for him to think straight at the moment.

Rowland stared at the card, feeling the rough texture under his fingers. He had no phone, he couldn’t even afford the luxury of one. He didn’t know what to make of this situation. Who would pay for Mrs. Patricia's surgery? And why did they call him "master"?

He thanked the doctor and left the office, his thoughts racing. As he walked through the hospital corridors, he felt a flicker of hope. Perhaps Mrs Patricia would not die after all, thanks to the unknown. But then, he shook his head, wary of believing in miracles.


He went home immediately.


In the Jones family house, he entered quietly, his footsteps echoing in the grand but empty foyer. The house, usually bustling with activity, seemed oddly silent tonight. He glanced around, wondering where everyone had gone.

Upstairs, while in the dining, the event was over, but the pressure on Amaya was still mounting. Her parents had cornered her, their expressions fierce and unyielding.

“Amaya, why are you being so stubborn?” Mrs. Jones snapped, her tone dripping with frustration. “Clinton is a good match for you, far better than that useless Rowland. Think about your future!”

Amaya’s eyes flashed with defiance. “Mother, I love Rowland. I don’t care about Clinton’s money or his connections. I made my vows, and I intend to keep them.”

Mr. Jones sighed, his patience wearing thin. “Amaya, you’re being naive. Love won’t put food on the table. Love won’t secure our family’s business. Clinton can do all that and more.”

Amaya's resolve wavered slightly as she faced her parents' unrelenting pressure. Her father’s words stung, but she stood firm. “Father, I understand what you’re saying, but I won’t leave Rowland just to secure some business deal. He might not have money or connections, but he has a good heart, and I love him.”

Mrs. Jones's expression hardened, her voice turning ice-cold. “Good heart? Amaya, a good heart won’t save this family from ruin! Can’t you see? This is your chance to rise above mediocrity and save us from embarrassment! Do you want to be known as the girl who stayed married to nobody?”

Amaya balled her fists at her sides, trying to keep her composure even as her knuckles turned white. "Mom, Rowland is not insignificant. He is my husband, and I choose to support him."

Amaya heard a sneer from the doorway and turned to see her sister Healey walking into the room with a look that mixed disdain and annoyance. 

"Do not be foolish, Amaya," Healey said, her tone condescending. "You are wasting your life on someone who will never amount to anything. Consider all the chances you are missing out on. Clinton is offering you a life most women would dream of! Just let go of that loser!”

Amaya bit her lip, fighting back tears. “You don’t understand, Healey. It’s not about money or opportunity. It’s about love and commitment.”

Healey rolled her eyes. “Love? Commitment? You think Rowland would stay with you if the roles were reversed? If he were the one with the choice between a billionaire’s daughter and you, a broke woman with no prospects, do you think he’d choose you? Don’t be so naive.”

Amaya shook her head, tears brimming in her eyes. “No, I won’t divorce Rowland. You can’t make me do it. I’m tired of this constant pressure!”

Amaya’s family was still trying to persuade her when Rowland push the door of the dining room open.

“You fo*l!” His mother-in-law snorted in disgust. “I thought you had lost your memory, and you could find the way home.”

Mr. Jones sneered, his face contorted with anger. “I do not even know why you came back. You should have just died

on the way or something.”

It was as usual to Rowland, his in-laws have alway disrespected and insult him so much, but would he tell them about the sorted hospital bill of Mrs. Patricia, by someone who referred to him as “Master”?

Why would he? After all they did not even ask about the well being of Mrs. Patricia, and they would not care to believe anything he tells them.

Staying quiet was the best option for now. 

Then, he lowered his head and humbly said, “I am sorry for what happened at the event, I just–”

“You still talk?” Mrs Jones interrupted him angrily with an “I do not care” manner. “Shut your mouth and just divorce me daughter!”

“Mom, stop it. He was just apologizing.” Amaya said looking disappointed.

Healey then chipped in desperately, “To hell with his apologies, who cares?!”.

It was during the moment, Mrs. Jones’s phone buzzed in her pocket. She glanced at the screen and saw Clinton’s name flashing. Excusing herself, she stepped out into the quiet hallway and answered.

“Mrs. Jones,” Clinton’s voice was smooth and confident. “Has Amaya agreed to divorce that worthless man?”

Mrs. Jones sighed, her frustration evident. “No, Clinton, she’s still being stubborn. She refuses to see reason!”

Clinton chuckled lightly. "That is unfortunate. But do not worry, I have something planned. Listen closely. You need to frame Rowland for theft at the Jones company. Make it something big—enough to make Amaya see him for the lowlife he is. She’ll be forced to divorce him to protect your family’s reputation.”

Mrs. Jones’s eyes lit up with a wicked gleam. “Are you sure this will work?”

Clinton’s voice was cold. “Trust me. Nothing ruins a man faster than being exposed as a thief. When Amaya sees him in handcuffs, she’ll realize what a mistake she made. I’ll have my people ready to handle everything.”

Mrs. Jones grinned, a sinister smile spreading across her face. “Consider it done, Clinton.”


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