Chapter 3: The Set-Up

Rowland arrived at the Jones Company early that morning, the rain from the previous night still wet through his clothes. He walked into the building, his steps deliberate and slow. He avoided the approving looks from his colleagues by keeping his head down. 

Rowland was used to being treated like dung, especially from the Jones family, who were always reminding him of his lowly station in life. However, something felt off today; there was an odd tension in the air.

After getting his cleaning supplies, he headed to the janitorial closet. His thoughts were elsewhere, with the word "Master" resounding in his mind as he considered the enigmatic card he had been given at the hospital. 

Who could have sent it? How come it was intended for him? He shook his head, attempting to ignore the ideas. It was time to get back to work. His task for the day was to remain focused and persevere.

As usual, Rowland began scrubbing the floors in the corridor outside the senior management offices with great attention to detail. He moved quickly and precisely, using efficiency in his movements. He heard hurried footsteps approaching as he was about to move on to the next section after finishing the mopping of the floors.

"Hey Rowland!" a voice barked from behind. When he turned around, he saw one of the senior managers, Mr. Thompson, standing there with an irate expression on his face.

"Yeah, sir?" In a calm but tired voice, Rowland answered. He sensed that trouble was coming.

"Come with me," Mr. Thompson said, his tone cold and stern.

Rowland nodded, then followed Mr. Thompson down the corridor. They came to a stop in front of Mr. Collins's office, the Head of Finance. When Mr. Thompson pushed the door open, a messy room was visible. Drawers had been pulled open, papers were all over the place, and the safe in the corner was completely open.

Rowland's eyes got bigger. With genuine confusion, he asked, "What happened here?"

"That is what we are going to discover," Mr. Thompson snapped back. "Earlier this morning, this was the state of Mr. Collins's office. A significant quantity of cash and several priceless items, including crucial documents, are missing. This area was only cleaned by you. Would you like to explain?"

Rowland felt his heart race inside his chest. "I—I have no knowledge of this," he stumbled. "I simply cleaned the floors. I did not go inside the office.”

Mr. Thompson's eyes narrowed as he crossed his arms. "That is not what the security footage shows," he sneered. "We have video of you coming into this office last night."

Rowland blinked, as if stunned. "No, that is impossible! I never stepped inside!" 

However, two security guards blocked his escape by appearing at the doorway before he could continue to protest. With force, one of them took hold of his arm. "Come on," the guard murmured. "You are coming with us."

As Rowland was hauled off, his mind was racing with a thousand ideas, and his heart fell. How could someone do this? For what reason were they framing him? He had not done anything improper.


The Jones Company's boardroom was full of senior management and a few select employees. Mr. Jones sat at the head of the table, his face expressionless with self-righteous indignation. Beside him, Mrs. Jones had a cold, businesslike expression on her face. 

Amaya stood in the corner with her arms crossed tightly over her chest and a deep frown on her face. What she was hearing was so unbelievable to her. This urgent meeting was called by her father, who had accused Rowland of stealing. But she was aware that Rowland would never act in such a way.

The guards dragged Rowland, pale and with his clothes all over the place, into the room. His gaze swept across the space and fell upon Amaya. Though he knew the worst was still to come, he felt a glimmer of hope when he saw the worry in her eyes.

"Rowland, you have been accused of stealing from Mr. Collins' office," Mr. Jones said in a loud voice. "This is a serious offense, and we will not tolerate theft in our organization. Security footage that shows you entering the office is among the evidence we have against you."

Rowland gave a desperate shake of his head. "I stole nothing. I have never even been in that office. Someone is trying to set me up!"

With a sneer on her lips, Mrs. Jones scoffed. "Are you being set up? Rowland, do you think we are foolish? Someone as insignificant as you would be set up by whom? You have been causing problems since you married into this family."

Amaya stepped forwards, her voice firm. "Mom, this is so ridiculous! Rowland would never take anything. I have complete trust in him."

Mr. Jones forcefully hit the table with his hand. "Enough already, Amaya! This is about the evidence, not trust. And all of the evidence points to Rowland!"

Amaya shot back, raising her voice. "The evidence might have been made up! It is too convenient. You need to see that!"

Rolling her eyes, Mrs. Jones said. "You would defend him, of course. However, Amaya, you must open your eyes. He is a thief and a liar, and he is pulling you down with him!"

Mr. Collins cleared his throat after remaining silent for a while. "I misplaced a significant amount of cash as well as some important documents. Rowland is the main suspect and needs to be held responsible for this. If he has nothing to hide, why does he appear so guilty?

Rowland's heart began to bleed even more. He had no way to establish his innocence as the accusations against him grew. He felt like an animal in a cage.

"I swear, I did not do it," Rowland said, his voice barely audible and his eyes filled with desperation.

Mr. Jones got to his feet and gave Rowland an obvious look of disdain. "You are nothing but a disgrace, Rowland! A thief who has brought shame on our family! I should not have let you into this house."

Amaya's face turned red with rage. "Father, Please! This is not fair! Rowland deserves the opportunity to defend himself properly!"

Mrs. Jones shakes her head. "Amaya, he has had his chance, and he has failed. This must not go unpunished. The company's reputation is at risk!"

For a brief moment, the entire room went silent. Mr. Jones spoke again, this time with a cold and commanding voice. "Rowland, you will be reported to the police and face charges. You are no longer welcome in this organization or our family!"

Rowland sensed the collapse of his world. His naive heart was burning to burst as he glanced at Amaya. Though he knew there was nothing he could do to make things right, he wanted to reassure Amaya that everything would be okay.

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