Chapter 0008

“Wh— What? What’s going on? I’m not—”

“It’s an honor to finally meet you, young master.” The old man interrupted before I could finish talking.

He bowed in front of me and I couldn’t help but feel like I’d been thrown into a world of dreams. All my life, I’ve never had someone bow to me before.

Even back in Jenna’s house, the maids and servants never respected. They spoke to me like I was nothing but a trash bag, they treated me even worse.

Seeing this gentleman bow in front of me made me both shocked, confused and utterly uncomfortable.

“Who are you and please don’t bow to me.” I quickly said, the words rushing out of my mouth as if I had something incredibly hot burning my mouth.

“I have to bow to you, young master, you’re my master,” the man said politely as he finally raised his head and placed his hand on his chest.

“My name is Alfred Weston, I'm a butler of the Cavendish family and your sister has put me in charge of looking after Mrs. Winkle here.” He explained.

There they go again with the sisters! Do I possibly have family members that I know nothing about? How could that be possible and how come he’s from the Cavendish family?

Tons of questions ran around in my head and my brain throbbed so hard that I felt as though it was going to explode into a million pieces anytime soon.

“Can I get a moment of your time, young master? I need to talk to you in private, is that okay?” Alfred asked with a polite smile and again, he lowered his head when I nodded and walked closer to him.

Alfred and I walked out of the ward room and soon we were both in a secluded place, there were no other doctors, nurses or cleaners around.

“What the hell is going on? I don’t have any sisters but…..” My voice trailed off as I let out a sigh and the butler only smiled at me.

“I understand your confusion and that’s why I’ve called you out to clear it out,” he started and I forced down the lump that had sought refuge in the back of my throat.

“You are Zade Cavendish,” He started and my mouth opened at once in protest but he didn’t let me talk before going on with his explanation.

“You are the lost son of the Cavendish family, you have 4 sisters and they’ve all tried everything they could to find you for over 20 years.”


“They finally found you last month and joy has finally been restored to the Cavendish family and they all wanted to throw you a surprise party.”

“They’re preparing a welcome ceremony for you as we speak and that’s why they haven’t come to you right away.” He finished.

All of the information seemed too much for me to take in, I felt like someone had just dealt a blow to me and my legs staggered as I tried to keep myself composed.

I’m the lost son of the Cavendish family and I have four sisters who have been looking for me for the past twenty years? It’s all too much to take in at once.

The sound of the butler's phone ringing put a halt to my thoughts and with a bow of his head, he excused himself while I tried to make sense of everything going on at the moment.

“Young Master,” Alfred said as he came back to me, “that was a call from one of your sisters, she knows that you’re in the hospital now and she wants to see you right now!” He explained.

“What? Right now?” I asked, shocked and confused but he only nodded. My blood pounded really hard against my temple and I could feel anxiety washing over me.

Worry chilled my thoughts and my muscles tensed as my palms started getting out more sweats than it has ever had.

Part of me was scared, immobilized by anxiety but I was also really happy because in the past 24 years I’ve been keen on family love.

For the past 24 years I’ve been treated like I wasn’t deserving of love, I had no love from my family but things are different now.

Now I’ve finally found my own family!?

“She’s my elder sister right?” I asked nervously and eagerly, “where is she right now? I want to see her too.” I added and Alfred smiled.

I was on the edge, feeling tense and uneasy and a little jittery as I tried to think about what my sisters looked like, what they’ve been doing these past years.

What am I going to say when I finally meet them? Will they like me? Are they going to be disappointed in me or will they be happy to see me?

All of these thoughts made me feel like I was walking on eggshells as I waited for Alfred, the butler, to say something but he was only focused on his phone for a while.

“Alright, great. No, that’s perfect. Yes, we’re coming.” He said into the phone and I felt my throat feeling dry and as if it was about to close up.

My breath caught in my throat and I watched impatiently as he hung the call up and flashed me his usual bright smile.

“We’re going to see your sister,” he finally said and I felt my heart racing, beating even harder as my blood pumped even faster.

“Let’s go to the roof.” Alfred said and I raised an eyebrow in confusion. I could tell that Alfred could see my confusion because he bursted out laughing before leading the way.

Was my sister really on the roof?

“You’ll see when we get there?” I didn’t know I’d voiced my thoughts out loud until Alfred answered my question and soon, we were on the roof.

My mouth hung open and I coughed as the heaving sound of air whooshing threatened to sweep me off my feet, I never thought this was what I was coming to the roof for.

I’d never seen anything like this before and if it wasn’t for the books I’ve read and movies I’ve seen, I never would have known that this is what helicopters looked like.

There was a helicopter on the roof!

“Come on, young master, let’s go and meet your sister.”

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