Chapter 0009

“W— We’re not riding in this, are we?” I asked, my surprise and awe obvious in my voice as I looked at the huge helicopter but Alfred only laughed.

It felt like a dream, I still couldn’t believe that I was in front of a live, working helicopter, one that could actually fly.

It was different from the kinds I saw in movies, anime or books. It was really huge and the rotor blades were as if they were ready to blow Alfred and I away.

“Of course, that’s what we’re riding in, young master.” Alfred said and my jaw dropped as I tried to take a step closer but I couldn’t.

Maybe it’s my fear or it’s probably because I never saw myself using this kind of helicopter as a mode of transportation.

It screamed luxury and I still couldn’t believe it.

“Let’s go, the lady doesn’t really like waiting but I’m sure she loves you enough to let go of anything.” Alfred smiled and I turned to face him with a raised eyebrow.

“The lady?” I asked, confused because I thought we were going to see my sister and I expect him to be clear on that, at least.

“Oh, pardon me, your sister,” he quickly corrected, “it’s a force of habit because we refer to your sisters as ‘ladies’ as a form of respect.” He explained and I nodded.

Pushing all my nervousness to the back of my mind, I got on the helicopter even though my heart was beating so fast that it seemed as though it was going to jump out of my chest.

“I can tell she’s going to be really excited to see you.” Alfred said, his voice was louder in the headphones and instead of excitement, what I felt at the moment was nervousness.

It didn’t take long for the helicopter to start descending and soon, it was on the ground of a really huge and luxurious manor.

The manor was so big that anyone could get lost if it was their first time, it was nothing like Jenna’s house at all and everywhere were glistening in the sunlight.

It was as though it was made with a very precious stone, like a diamond. I had trouble keeping my mouth closed as I made my way with Alfred to the main building and even that was huge.

How could a building be this huge? It was a skyscraper and unarguably the largest and probably the only building in the estate.

“I’ll take you to the living room, please come with me.” Alfred said and I nodded, my eyes darting around as I walked with him to the living room.

Everything we came across was shining, the curtains, the statues, the artwork and even the chandeliers all looked like something that should be in a palace.

I felt like I was in the house of the richest and most powerful king in the world. My mouth hung open as I stared at everything in disbelief.

I never believed there was anything like a paradise before but this building immediately made me believe it.

It was as if I’d died and gone to heaven.

“Oh My God!” A loud feminine voice jolted me out of my thoughts and I lifted my gaze to see a beautiful lady in front of me.

She was wearing a perfectly fitted prim and proper dress. The diamond around her neck shone brightly and even her earrings and the rings around her fingers were glittering as she walked towards me.

She carried herself with so much grace and her heels were higher than the ones Jenna was used to wearing, making me wonder how she was able to walk in it.

“I can’t believe we finally found you!” She cried as she hugged me, holding me tighter than any female other than Mrs Winkle have ever held me.

“I really can’t believe you’re here,” she added as she pulled away from me only to hug me again, “you’re alive, I’m so glad we found you. I’m glad we didn’t give up our search for you.” She added.

Her voice was heavy with her gladness and even her eyes conveyed so much emotion that I couldn’t help but smile nervously as I looked at her.

“I’m sorry, what’s going on—”

“Oh, pardon my rudeness,” she cut in with a laugh even though a single tear was still trickling down her cheeks.

“I’m Georgina Cavendish, the first daughter of the Cavendish family and I’m also your elder sister.” She introduced herself and I couldn’t say anything.

Her rich brunette hair fell freely on her shoulders, her lips were luscious and I just couldn’t believe that I had a sister this gorgeous.

“Miss Georgina is also a CEO of her own company, the most successful fashion company that has won tons of awards, Gigi’s glamour and she’s also a real estate mogul.”

“I wonder how she handles all of these successes sometimes.” Alfred explained and my eyes widened as I looked at my sister.

I’ve heard a lot about Gigi’s glamour and the Cavendish first daughter that thrives in both her business paths, I just wasn’t expecting that Cavendish daughter to be my elder sister.

“Stop it, Alfred, Zade is my younger brother and I don’t want him to see me in that light, I want him to see me as his sister, a casual person.” She said and I was even more dazed.

I get to speak casually to one of the most successful people in the business world because she’s my sister?!

“You’re humble, Lady Georgina.” Alfred laughed as he bowed before turning to leave me and my sister, Georgina, alone.

“Okay, Zade,” my sister started as she held my hand and we both started walking around the huge house, “now that you’re back, I’d like for you to take on your responsibilities, it’s been waiting for you for years.” She added.

“Responsibilities?” I asked and she nodded.

“You’re the heir of the Cavendish family and you have to start acting like it, Zade,” she explained, her tone emphasizing authority as the first daughter of the family.

“Although the welcome ceremony is still being prepared and it will be held in a month’s time.” She paused for a while.

“You’ll get to meet the rest of your sisters and you could meet them even earlier than that, I was selfish and didn’t tell them I was meeting you now, I hope they forgive me.” She laughed.

“Now, back to the matter at hand, you should start to take over the family business now. Tomorrow, you should go to the Zenith Global company and oversee things there.” She added.

“It’s one of the Cavendish companies and since you’re the heir, you should start doing things and start from there until I’m able to put you through the others.” She explained.

Shock rocked me as I listened to her talk because not only is the Zenith global company one of the biggest companies under the Cavendish business, it is the biggest company in this town.

“Just how rich is my family?!” I blurted out before I could think and my sister only smiled as she stood in front of me.

“You’ll find it out soon, Zade, be patient.” She responded as she held her phone up and took a selfie with me before I knew what was going on.

The sound of her phone ringing put a stop to our chitchats and as soon as she picked it up, her brows drew together and she instantly became serious.

“I’ll be there soon,” She said into the phone before hanging up and turning to face me, “Zade, the group headquarters has something urgent, I need to fly to the capital right now.”

She hugged me again before I could speak, “don’t forget to go to the Zenith Global company tomorrow, because starting from tomorrow, you’ll be the CEO of that company.” She explained.

“W— What?!” I was shocked but before she could give an explanation, ten men came inside the house, one of them took her bag and while five of them stayed in front of her, five stood behind her and they all led her out of the house.

I’m the new CEO of Zenith Global?!

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