Chapter 0010

The butler soon came inside the living room to join me and when he clapped his hands, lots of maids came outside and my jaw dropped.

“Welcome, Young Master Zade.” They all said in unison as they bowed in front of me. My heart thumped, I had no idea what to do with so much fame.

These people are bowing to me, showing me so much respect than I’m usually used to and it’s all happening so fast that I was starting to feel dizzy.

“They’ll show you to your room and make sure that you’re settling in well.” Alfred said and before I could say anything, one of the maids was already inviting me.

Two of the maids led me up the stairs and there I realized that there was another sitting room but it was a more private one and was only used by the family.

There was also a private swimming pool and a private lounge that none of the maids are allowed to enter and soon, I was led to a really big room.

It was the biggest bedroom of all the bedrooms that the maids had shown me, it had a king size bed and it’s already equipped with everything a man could ever need.

“Since you’re basically going to be the only one in this house, the ladies said you should take the master’s bedroom.” Alfred explained.

I was shocked and in total awe of how much my life had changed in just a day. Just yesterday, I was sleeping on a stale bed and now, I have a huge, bouncy bed to myself.

“Take care, young master.” Alfred and the maids bowed before leaving the room to me and I couldn’t help but take everything in.


I woke up earlier than almost everyone because I was used to it already and I started getting ready to go to the Zenith Global like my sister had asked me to.

Making my way out of the house after breakfast, Alfred was already waiting for me outside, all ready to drive me to the company.

“I’m sorry for taking you in this type of car,” Alfred apologized when we got to the company and I couldn’t see anything wrong with the car he drove me with.

“Your personalized car will be prepared next week and we couldn’t get a perfect car for you in time that’s why we had to go with this.” He sighed as he bowed.

I looked at the car again, it was a Rolls Royce sweptail and unarguably one of the most expensive cars ever, I had no idea why he was apologizing to me when just a week ago, I was going around with my legs.

“Don’t apologize, this is a very good car, Alfred.” I assured him but he only shook his head in disagreement, making me sigh.

“You’re just being humble, this is nothing compared to the kind of car you should be driving and I’m sure you’ll agree with me when your car arrives.” He added and I sighed again.

I adjusted my shirt, I had decided to go casual instead of wearing all the expensive suits in my closet and after taking a deep breath, I stepped into Zenith global.

Getting into the elevator, it took a while but I soon arrived at the 99th floor and took another deep breath. I was trying to put myself at ease because my sister had assured me that the staff would welcome me.

The door of the elevator opened and I was taken aback a little when I saw a woman already in front of the elevator, her hair was packed in a ponytail and she wore a nice suit.

There were several other people standing behind her too, their suits were fancy and they were all dressed corporately.

I stepped out of the elevator and although the woman in the front hesitated a little, she bowed at once and the rest followed suit.

“Good Morning, Boss!” She said loudly and the rest of the people repeated after her. My heart fluttered and I felt flattered, it’s the first time I would not only feel welcomed but also respected.

“I—” The other elevator door opened and Simon stepped out of it, making everything I wanted to say get stuck in my throat as I looked at him.

Simon looked shocked to see me too and since we both had no idea why we were both here, I wanted to ignore him but the woman raised her head.

Her eyes landed on Simon and they immediately lightened up, I saw her lips curl into a welcoming smile as she drew in a sharp breath.

What’s going on? She was just welcoming me.

“What are you doing in front of me?” She asked sternly, her voice was firm and heavy with distaste as she shot me a hard stare.

I swallowed, I felt like what had been happening all my life was starting to happen all over again. The woman stared at me like I was nothing but a trash bag.

She looked at me like I didn’t matter, as if I didn’t deserve to be here and all of the welcoming energy I felt when I stepped out of the elevator was washed away like sand.

Looking away from me, a flattery smile crept up her lips as she shoved me aside with her hand and walked directly up to Simon.

He was dressed in a fancy suit, his hair was brushed back and his wristwatch looked really expensive even at first glance.

“Good Morning, boss!” She greeted loudly, without hesitation and even more politely as she bowed her head and my eyes widened.

“What?!” Simon asked, he looked shocked, as if he wasn’t expecting to be met with this kind of greeting and even I was more than shocked.

My sister had told me that I was the new CEO, she said I was going to oversee Zenith Global starting from today so why is this woman calling Simon boss?

What is going on?

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