Chapter 148

“Get me the jackass I just spoke to on the phone,” Ethan's gaze focused on the two men before him.

The man with a cane suddenly appeared with Jeddia, a mocking glare on his face, “There you are. Ethan, we’ve been looking for you.”

Ethan kept his gaze steady. “And why is that?”

The glare on the man with a cane's face deepened. “Ambassador Gerald sends his regards. He’s not been pleased with your recent activities.”

Ethan’s jaw tightened. “I gave him a chance to come clean but I guess he's made his choice.”

The man laughed, a harsh, dissonant sound rocking the entire place. “And what are you going to do about it?”

He eyed Ethan disdainfully, before staring at Tage. “So poor punks like you can also afford to hire bodyguards.”

Tage's expression darkened instantly, his blood boiling in fury.

Two other bodyguards came out with both Loretta and Samantha.

The bodyguard with a cane chuckled. “Now hand over the evidence and tell us where you kept the other bi**h and maybe we’ll let you and your
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