Juliette's Thoughts

Damien also crashed into a small hill, and completely reduced it to rumbles and dust, hence triggering yet another round of notifications.

[ TING!!! ]

[ An achievement made!! ]

[ Do to showing unachievable defense through sheer force and will, without the aid of Skills and Abilities, you have automatically comprehended the Extra Ability, "Enhanced Endurance" ]

Damien used his powerful strength to forcefully push off the boulders and rocks burying him, and stood up, his expression null, with but a single sadistic smile on his lips.


The dragon also stood up, and growled towards Damien's direction. The insides of it's mouth were orange-red, with a tinge of gold, and one could also see boiling lava within its neck.


The dragon, angered, pushed itself off the ground by flapping its wings, kicking up a small wind storm thay pushed away at the sorounding debris and dust.

Damien stood a
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