Chapter 200

Chapter 200

It was with the help of their bodyguards they were able to get back home, Aaron wasn't good at drinking, but he decided to give it a try when his father offered it to him. Mr. Richard on the other hand was a strong drinker, he seldom gets drunk.

But due to what happened earlier with Aaron claiming to be on his side and his confession of hatred for Adrian, it made him glad and it got into his head that he drank more than his capacity.

After getting both of them to their respective rooms, Aaron reached for his phone in a drunken state and dialed Elder Jackson's number. Elder Jackson who had just finished studying and was returning from his study, paused when he saw Aaron's call, he didn't delay in answering it.

"I love you sir, thank you for everything you have done," he hung up and slept off. Elder Jackson was shocked, but from the way Ethan was speaking, he could tell it was either he was drunk or he was just sleeping and happened to call his number.

He sat down on his bed
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