Chapter 27

Chapter 27

Knock. Knock.

“Miss Audrey”, Melinda, Audrey's personal servant, called as she stood in front of Audrey's door.

That was the third time now and yet there was no response.

Melinda took a deep breath as she summoned courage to open the door. She turned the door handle but the door wouldn't open. It was locked.

“Madam”, Melinda started as she stood in front of Madeline.

“Yes, what is it Linda?”, her madam responded rudely.

“She's not in her room”

Madeline stopped what she was doing.

“How so?”

*I knocked on her door multiple times but there wasn't any response and last I heard from her, she was in the shower.”

“Don't be dumb Linda! Did you even try to go in and see for yourself?”

“I did Madam. It was locked”

Madeline just rolled her eyes. “She's probably asleep, Linda. She's asleep, ok? Stop raising dust for unnecessary things.”

“But madam…”

“Melinda! Didn't you hear what I just said? Or has your brain suddenly become dull and dead as your ears? I said, ‘she is asleep’ and that
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