Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Adrian was sure he didn't just hear divorce.

“Awwn! Surprise, surprise”, Lily said in her usual high pitched voice, giving a short scornful laugh at the end. Sean joined her too.

“Oh stop Lily. The poor fool. Did you really think Rosa here was down for you? Really? Is that how you really think of yourself?”, Sean said, with a scoff.

“That's enough Sean”

“What? It’s not like I’m lying. I’m just stating facts”.

“I said enough!!”

“Rosa…”. Adrian tried drawing closer to his wife,but she stepped back, using her hand to stop him from coming any closer.

“Look Adrian. I'm tired. I want a divorce”

“A divorce?Are you serious right now?”

“Yes Adrian. I want a divorce. Here and now”, Rosa said, her hands folded under her chest.

“I… I don't understand Rosa. Wh.. wha.. what's going on? Where's all this coming from all of a sudden?”

“All of sudden? This isn't all of a sudden Adrian. You've just been too blind to see it.”

“What are you talking about Rosa? I don't understand”

“Clearly his mental faculty is unable to comprehend it all. I'm sure he doesn't even know the meaning of divorce”, Sean whispered to Lily who giggled loudly at the insult.

“What don't you understand Adrian?! I want to a divorce! I'm tired of this marriage! Ok? Haven't I had enough? Haven't you done enough to disgrace me? Haven't I suffered enough of you constantly making a mockery of me and my family? I have been with you five years! Five years Adrian and not one day of those five years did you ever add something tangible to this family or to even the company. If there's anyone who doesn't understand here, it's me because I'm clearly at sea of why dad would even approve of our marriage. I don't even know what he saw in you because now it's so obvious I made a big mistake.”

“Finally she sees”, one of the Dalton aunties said with a scoff.

Adrian was completely baffled. It was the greatest shock of his life for him because he couldn't believe that Rosa, his college love who he'd loved wholeheartedly could turn her back on what they had. Yes, Rosa may have suffered her own lot from the fact that her family was totally against their union but he reassured his love for her and she often tried her best to stand by. So what had suddenly changed?

“Five years Rosa? You want to tell me you didn't love me all those five years of us being together?”

“Oh please!”, Rosa's mother cut in rudely. “Shut that filthy infested mouth of yours! And what if she says she never loved you? Huh? Are you worthy of even being loved? What do you think you are? Some “special” orphan boy with no roots in the world? Well, if you ever thought that was special Adrian then it isn't. It's pathetic and disgusting. It's a disgrace to your identity and you don't even have one! And somehow, you managed to smother your shame on this family. You criminal!”

“Yes! You are a criminal. And if she wants a divorce, you had better damn right give it to her now! You cheap skate. Ah! I don't even know where Rosa gets these boys from”, her aunty said in a frustrated tone.

The whole family threw insults at Adrian and his blood boiled by each passing second. Nancy got the divorce papers and flung them at him. Some of the files spilled halfway out.

She dropped a pen on the top of the brown file on the ground.

“Take. There. Sign it and let's get this over with”

Adrian picked up the file, trying desperately to contain his anger. All the insults he was receiving made it all the worse as their words pierced into him. At this point, he didn't even care anymore. If this was how she wanted to end their marriage, then so be it.

He took out the files, reading through before he signed each one. Luckily, she wasn't even demanding any money from him. As he signed, he noticed that she'd already signed her part of the divorce papers.

“I signed them at the office, just in case you are wondering”

When he'd signed it all,he shoved the files back into the envelope and handed it over.

Nancy snatched them from his hands, eyeing him as she did. She pulled out the files to make sure they were all surely signed. One file wasn't.

“You missed a file, you blockhead”, she said, throwing the piece of paper at him. The crowd that had gathered erupted with laughter and some of them scoffed too. Adrian caught it and looked at it. He hadn't noticed this one. It must have been stuck to one of the other papers.

Hastily and in rage, he signed it and gave it back to his mother-in-law. In the same manner, she collected it from him.

“Finally, you do something right”, she said, eyes rolled at him. When she'd confirmed all the documents, she handed them over to Rosa . She gave a disgusted stare at Adrian who had his head bent and fists clenched, trying to contain his rage.

Rosa felt a strong hand behind her, wrapping her waist from behind. It was Mason Hamilton.

“So glad you finally did the right thing”

“Thanks babe”, Rosa said, smiling at him.

“Now that you are no longer a member of the Dalton family, ex-brother-in-law”, Lilly said, giggling in her usual mocking way.

“You are automatically not invited to our party anymore. Bye-bye”

“Yes she's right. Leave now. You've signed the divorce papers so what are you doing, standing there and looking all stupid. Do something sensible like finding your way to the door at least. It would earn you some dignity”

Adrian clenched his teeth and took a deep breath in before he headed for the door. He walked slowly and he was almost at the entrance of the hall when someone in the crowd exclaimed.


The whole crowd turned towards where the voice had come from. It was one of The Dalton's business partners.

“What happened?”

“My expensive necklace. And my bracelet. They are all gone!”, The woman cried in horror.


“Yes. I… I don't know how. They just.. left me”

“Someone must have stolen them. Who could have stolen them?”

“Stop! Stop him! Don't let anyone through that door!”, Mason ordered, walking fast towards Adrian.

“You criminal! Empty your pockets!”


“Empty your pockets you lowly thief!”

Mason said, trying to rough handle Adrian. Adrian pushed him away and he almost fell over, if not for the wall.

“What the fuck do you want?!”

“Empty your pockets, you freaking thief!”

The crowd by this time, had reached where both men were.

“Empty your pockets Adrian! Now!”, Nancy said sternly as she came forward.

“I have nothing on me ma'am! What's the meaning of all this?”

She signalled the guards at the door to search him. As soon as one guard dipped his hand in his inner jacket pocket, he felt the expensive jewelry. He brought it out and the bracelets followed.

“Oh shit!, I've been …”

“Shut up!” Rosa ordered in anger.

“You thief!”, Nancy said, sending a smack across Adrian's face. “Haven't you disgraced yourself enough, you idiot? Aren't you tired of being a fool?”

“Where is he?”

The deep voice of the elder reverberated in the hall and caused silence to fall on all. She stormed her way to the front and slapped Adrian again, sending him across the floor.

“You’ve disgraced this family enough. I don't want to see you anywhere near any of my family members. Did you hear that?”

“I've called the police already, Elder Dalton. They'll be here any moment”, Mason said. Adrian got up from the floor, giving Mason a dead stare. Mason smirked at him and Adrian knew at once. He remembered that he had put his jacket on the chair and Mason had passed there, a glimmering jewelry in his hand. It was him. He was the one who framed Adrian.

The police got to the venue in no time. They whisked Adrian away roughly and the police car drive off speedily.

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