Chapter 34

Chapter 34

“Oh look. It's the golden cow himself ”, Isla said, as she walked over to her seat, standing for a while so the servant behind her would take off her coat.

She took her seat, unfolding the cutlery napkin.

“Now that he's here, can we please get this freaking brunch over with?

“Isla!”, Her father cautioned in a strict and sharp manner.

“Oh apologies. I forgot. The rest of us do not have places to be”, Isla said, sarcasm evident in her tone.

Leonard rubbed the base of his nose. It was evident that the animosity between them was still very strong.

“Adrian, please tell Christopher to prepare the kitchen staff to bring in the food”

“Yes sir”

Adrian had barely reached the door when Richard came out from the other door, his phone to his ears. He ended the call as he got close enough and his movement towards them slowed.

There was an uncanny silence as he came to the dining table.

“Richard”, Leonard said with a slight head bow.

“Leonard”, Richard replied coldly, drawing out his cha
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