Chapter 41

Chapter 41

“Good day Mr. Oratio. How are you doing today?”


“Adrian Grayson”, Adrian said, beaming as he shook Mr. Oratio's hand.

“Adrian Grayson… of Grayson Incorp right?

“Yes sir”

“Welcome, you are welcome”

“Thank you sir”

Mr. Oratio glanced to his guards. “Well, let's get to my office shall we?”

His guards tagged along, closely behind Adrian.

“How's your father, Mr. Jackson right?

Adrian smiled. “Mr. Leonard sir. Mr. Jackson is my grandfather”

“Oh your grandfather? Interesting. So you are his grandchild, running the company now?”

“My father actually runs the company, but yes, I am head of contract management and partnerships”

“Fantastic. Simply. Quite a strong and vibrant old man you have there, I must say”

“I agree sir. Thank you sir”

The guards at the door, held it for both of them and Adrian tried not to be ahead of Mr. Oratio even with his extremely slow walking.

Damn was the office large! The space was extremely collosal. It was like a mini conference hall renovated into
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