Chapter 44

Chapter 44

“Come in”, Elsie said. The receptionist pulled the door and came in.

“Good morning ma'am… Good morning Miss Elsie”

“Yes Ziva.. how may we help you?”

“Umm.. sorry… I came to inquire if you have an appointment ma'am with Mr. Walters.”

“You came all the way from your office downstairs to inquire, Ziva? Whatever happened to phone calls, the intercom, the system?”

“Err… ma'am”

“Exactly”, Elsie said. “Did you suddenly go , I don't know, idiot, for a second there?”

Ziva had to take a deep breath in. “I've actually been trying to reach your office, Miss Elsie and I couldn't. And even on your personal number, you weren't picking up. Being that, Mr. Walters isn't a very patient person…”

“Enough”, Nancy ordered, cutting the girl short. “All I hear, Ziva, are flimsy, pointless excuses. It's stupid enough that you have come all the way up here to inquire of something you would have simply gotten with a phone call and now you are blaming your lack of composure and competencies on the
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