Chapter 49

Chapter 49


Lilly went in quickly, closing the door behind her. Knocking followed immediately and when Troy opened the door, Leslie legitly pushed herself inside.

“Mr. Leonard!”, she said, more loudly than needed, pretending to be overly exasperated.

“I’m so sorry Boss. I tried to stop her but it was beyond me. Crazy whores are not my thing”

“Oh no, she did not”, Lilian said, handing Jamie to Troy. She was about to switch from civilian to military father's daughter very soon.

“Hey, hey”, Troy said, trying to hold her back.

“Will someone get this crazy woman out of here?”, Leslie cried, a disgusted look on her face.

“Oh, they'll get me out of here alright”, Lilly threatened,trying to free herself from Troy's hold. This sloth was threatening the military in her.


“Enough!”, Leonard shouted. “What the hell is going on? In my office, Leslie?”

“Sir I…”

“Get out, All of you!” Leonard ordered. The bodyguards in the room besides Troy trailed out.

“And?”, Leonard asked
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