Chapter 63

Chapter 63

Everyone's gaze were all on Adrian and Mason, Mr. Hamilton felt unease, and he tilted his head towards Nancy, she was scrolling through Instagram, smiling. He shook his head, he just couldn't understand what kind of woman she was.

Well he blamed his son, he knew the number of times he warned his son not to get married to the Daltons, but he resisted saying he loves Rosa. His greatest fear was doing business or partnering with someone who wouldn't be able to stand up to the heat of the business world. But Mason's stubbornness has led him to his greatest fear.

Adrian exhaled, clapping his hands together,

"I know you all are waiting for their answers, but you know when you have a big vision, a gigantic one, it's sometimes hard to break it down. That's what's happening, let's be glad they have bright and gigantic ideas for this organization."

Rosa's gaze traveled to her mum, she couldn't believe her eyes, wasn't she supposed to be fighting for her organization? What exactly w
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