Chapter 75

Chapter 75

Mr. Richard was up early in the morning to prepare for his outing with his son, over the years he never saw a reason why he should bond with his son. He thought everything was about providing, when you provide it guarantees them a great life.

He felt sad that his philosophy about parenting was a lie when he started hearing shocking things about Aaron, and the incessant nagging of his wife, about Aaron's character.

Since his last dispute with his wife which happened over the phone. He vowed to show her how great of a father he could be, and since then he has decided to get things right with Aaron. He wasn't going to be a dad who was only interested in sending cash.

This time around, he was prepared to go all out for his son, in every way he can, be it financially, socially, mentally, emotionally, and the rest. Over the years he has neglected his duty as a father and took on the role of a provider,

It has taken a toll on Aaron's lifestyle, ranging from the decisions he makes
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