
'Wasn't that too much…?'

Carter had a front row seat to everything Esmond did, unless he chose not to let him see, which only happened if some lady was in his company for the night.

Anyway, seeing Jioke hand over more than 5 large sites all over Nigeria, for mass collection points for the rubbish to be treated, as well as some extra land in problematic areas according to Carter, made him wonder what the government was thinking.

"Didn't you say part of these areas are where the dispute for the oil is happening with the people and some fuel cooperation?"

'Mmm… but the main problem there is the fuel has destroyed the economy for the fisherman and ruined their health.

I'm thinking if we can set up a charity that we can spare our goods to, we should be able to help create some change there before entering.'

Esmond agreed with Carter and asked him to get in touch with some charities locally with Antons help of course and step up some operation on the sites awarded.

The whole agreement was under wraps because neither party offered much other than jobs and some stability in the regions where the company would operate out of.

Of course, the government would get cleaner streets and healthier citizens, but also a portion of the goods recycled, they could further sell.

It was rushed and of course in Esmonds favour, however the main terms would be left for his staff to work out with the government workers of Nigeria.

Having finished his talk and with nothing left to do but return home, Esmond was already moving for the airport, instead of staying a night in Lagos.

He wanted to be in his own bed and with him training with the Imperial Manual, it meant he would stay awake without getting tired for days, unless he chose to shut down and sleep.

Paying some exuberant price for a seat out on the last flight for the day, Esmond went home to Adelaide, ready to work on some ideas.


"Are you sure you can't wait any longer?"

Carter tried to sway Esmond from making rash decisions now and creating such a large organisation from scratch, when the whole market was going to crashing in the later part of the year.

The plan was to sweep through and take a majority of the businesses collapsing and completely takeover them, adding it to the portfolio of the Empire.

Problem was Esmond knew it would look incredibly suspicious if Carter came through during the crash and bought up failing businesses.

Esmond was sure the government would begin checking on him and cause him and his family problems, so before that, he wanted to have enough power to deal with any trouble.


"Start with selling basic stuff and then we can expand…

Use financial investors to make it seem like we got the edge through them if you have to but use smaller end businesses, we can either absorb or split off from later."

Giving clear instructions to Carter, Esmond left to design some new buildings that would be important for the spaces development but before he left, the system sent him a little message.


[Host should upgrade the system with the pool of experience points!]

[Please bring up your status!]


With nothing really bothering him right now, Esmond listened to the system and called his status, to see something he wasn't expecting…




[Name: Esmond Manston]

[Experience: ?¿?/1000] [Please Upgrade!]

[Body Condition: Healthy]

[Body Status: Primordial Human]

[Status: Healthy]



[Stamina: 20]




[Wisdom: N/A]



Esmond had no qualms with not following the systems instructions, so he accepted and pressed the upgraded button continuously while he watched the notifications stream by his eyes.



[System Upgraded!]

[Level 5 Acquired!]

[Experience: ?¿?(1000)/1000]



[System Upgraded!]

[Level 5 Acquired!]

[Experience: ?¿?(16,000)/16,000]



[System Upgraded!]

[Level 10 Acquired!]

[Experience: (999,489,000)512,000/512,000]

[Stats upgrade +2/Level]



[System Upgraded!]

[Level 19 Acquired!]

[Experience: 475713000/524,288,000]

[Stats upgrade +3/Level]



[Current Exp levels: 48,575,000/1,048,576,000]

[Host has been awarded System Reward for reaching Level 10!]

[Host has unlocked – Daily Wheel of Chance!]

[Host Spatial Ark Land Has Upgraded!]

[Golden Knowledge Ability awarded to Host for reaching Level 15!]

-          [Host can place their finger on the media form producing the art the Host wishes to absorb the knowledge of]




[Name: Esmond Manston]

[Experience: 48,575,000/1,048,576,000]

[Body Condition: Healthy]

[Body Status: Primordial Human]

[Status: Healthy]

[Strength:20+(20+27) = 67]

[Endurance:20+(20+27) = 67]

[Stamina: 20+(20+27) = 67]

[Dexterity:30+(20+27) = 77]

[Intelligence:40+(20+27) = 87]

[Agility:20+(20+27) = 64]

[Wisdom: N/A]




"Ahh the voice of my guardian angel…"

Esmond couldn't help but sarcastically laugh at Carters whining, having also just experienced the same bone crunching and mind breaking upgrade.

Turned out if he upgraded, so did the body, system, and Carter along with him.


"Calm down and tell me what happened to you, as well as me prick…"

Carter wanted to thrash Esmond before anything else, but he listened to what he had to say and couldn't help but feel amazed at some of the improvements.

"Well… fuck me… Never expected that…"

"Huh? What are you on about?"

"I got a willy… my dear friend…

Come here…"

Carter tried to annoy Esmond who squirmed away and got ready to showcase some of his new strength to beat his pal.


"Hows the jaw…"

"sssore...ssso sssore…"

Carter had a little lisp from the swollen lips after being repeatedly punched by Esmond.


Esmond did a little of his own exploring while Carter rested in the cabin, checking to see some of the changes.

One thing he picked up immediately was the addition of some wildlife that wasn't around before.

Some deer's, rabbits and other animals that were indigenous to various parts of the world all were running around the space.

That wasn't the only thing, with the addition of a massive pool of water the expanded far into the horizon.

It took up part of the horizon to the side of the city being made by Carter, but it seemed full of life and inviting to take a swim in.

Put it aside for now, Esmond found the mines built by the drones went through changes as well, with the whole structing being rebuilt into something stronger and more efficient.

He also was astonished to find the drones were able to shift and take on the form of robotic humanoid drones as the machines were upgraded as well.


"It's nanotechnology in part with biotechnology to create a weaker but effective drone design and program that works far quicker than before."

Carter explained, having finally adjusted to the changes made to his body and his mind that control the space.

The drones could now produce close to triple what they were before.

So, in the case of steel, which they had been producing for up to 23 days now had made roughly 20 million tons of steel, averaging close to 900,000 tons a day.

With the new drones, they would be producing steel at up to 2,520,000 tons a day, which helped him realise that it wouldn't take too long for him to start making basic spacecrafts, but he needed to be in space first, unless he wanted to go nuts and create something that nobody was ready for.

'If I bring in Electric propulsion and the Drinx Qzk Kingdoms energy cells that could power star systems for 100 of generations before recharging, I know I'll cause the earthlings to thing we are invinclble within space.

Maybe, I'll make my personal starships with it…'



Esmond made his way to the drone factories, because Carter informed him the drones could now split apart into smaller drones with greater carrying capacity and speed.

Also, all drones could operate in any section without needed to be made for the specified field.

Even the factory had removed the other drones' choices and added new ones which was why both had chosen to go over and check.



[New Drones Operating Systems added to the Drone Factory!]

[Recreational Drones]

[Surveillance Drones]

[Construction Drones]

[Worker Drones]

[Management Drones]


Esmond asked Carter to give him some overview of the new drones which to his surprise were vastly different than anything he come across in his past lifes.

"These new ones aren't anything you've worked with before, but they aren't efficient enough than they can be…

The Construction, Worker, and Management drones were the new make up of the drones that were flying around.

They focus on building, helping do things like harvest crops and materials, while the management ones are designated to check and notify the system what areas need to be worked next or where we might be struggling with the work, they will swoop in and help."


Seeing the drones move at lighting speeds without clashing with another drone, made Esmond worry a major collision was imminent but Carter informed him he was being pedantic.

"Nothing will happen…

Now listen to what I was thinking before you head out of this space.

Inspect the new drone factories and see if anything could be improved."

Carter was right trying to get Esmond to check on drone operations because he felt like they could be working faster and with the added ability for them to swap between drone mode and humanoid form meant a greater number of resources pooled.


"How do they seem be working right now?"

Esmond asked, curious about the problems that might be bothering Carter when he monitored the drones working.

"They are working fine in my mind, but I think if we use some of the knowledge you picked up while part of the Xtric Kingdom.

If I remember correctly, they were leading above other Kingdoms when it came to nanotechnology and biotech.

By maybe added their algorithm for drone operations, I think we might improve marginally in how they operate within the space."

Carter thought about crafting items like ships, weapons, and much more that would be needed by the army Esmond was creating, so drones that were more advanced, helped create some of amazing pieces of finished product.


Having checked the drone factory and adding the appropriate coding and algorithm to increase efficiency and identifying factors for the drones, Esmond felt they would work aa great pace and help produce some amazing equipment with their precise handling.

The main concern that bothered him was the ship designs and the aircrafts that needed to be made by precise connections and wields so the vehicles won't break apart.

With the added firepower and energy, the machines needed to be made like works of art that don't ruin, even after centuries.

Reason why the two were so pedantic about the drone's ability was down to Esmonds plans after leaving the space.


"Do you think it will work?"

"Maybe… but if it doesn't then no harm was so ever."

Esmond wanted to try out the Golden Knowledge ability he received from the system when he upgraded the level.

He wanted to also try the wheel of chance, but the system told him it would be ready tomorrow so for now he'd asked Carter to find him Stealth, a 2005 film with Jamie Foxx, Jessica Biel and Josh Lucas who were pilots for the USA governments that developed a highly sophisticated fighter jet.

The plan was to learn the knowledge about how to build it if the ability gives him that knowledge, so he could replicate it within the space and get Carter to include them within the Air forces arsenal.

It was one of the easier things to find for Carter and d******d to Esmonds laptop for him to watch, whereas some of the other media options they wanted to try the ability on required a little time.


Having left the space and returned back to his home in Adelaide, Esmond went straight to his room and activated his laptop and started watching Stealth.

He didn't waste his time and activated his ability, pressing his finger onto the screen of the laptop.

His index finger on the right hand started to glow bright gold as the information objects within the film entered Esmonds mind and in doing so, Carters also, who couldn't help but curse Esmond aloud in the space.

After a couple seconds, the light disappeared and the throbbing headache was gone, but Esmond was left with a pile of information aching in his mind, wanting to be analysed and studied.

He spent some time in his room practising the Imperial Manual while studying the schematics for not only the F/A 37 Talon stealth fighter, but the other aircrafts from the Mi-8 helicopter to the Russian Su-37s.

The information for the artificial intelligence also entered his mind, but it wasn't anything he would waste his time with knowing Carter was leaps and bounds ahead.

When he returned back to the space, he found a cross and annoyed Carter waiting for him in the cabin, ready to complain about the pain he suffered.

But Esmond chose to discuss the mechanics of the fighter jet, not leaving time for Carter to complain.


"It's a bit wild and out there…"

"No shit, Esy.

There isn't anything that can supply the amount of fuel this beast requires without creating another fuel type that could sustain itself for long enough to make using the jet feasible."

The film showed it too be this highly economic stealth fighter that could continue along without any issue, but in reality, it was far from it after checking all the details and information gathered by the Golden Knowledge ability.

They already have all the materials with the space as Carter had been constantly sourcing more materials to add to the space and getting Esmond to collect them daily, so there was a whole lot already within the space.

What remained was materials like uranium, titanium and tungsten that needed to be sourced and bought, so Carter was trying to find ways to get some without being added to some register with Esmonds details.

Without those, Carter could begin his work creating all the tools and equipment needed for the army, however he was more focused on the city he was creating in the space for now.

It came down to waiting for the last few materials needed within the space before completely going wild and creating a huge army.

Plans were being made with Anton daily to source people from broken lands stricken with war and poverty to join the army, but they had to try and sneak them away somehow.

Esmond had informed Carter to prepare the army some space next to the training facilities he'd added to the space for the army, having decided to bring the people here to train.

Mainly it was to stop from information leaking out and that there wasn't any secure place where they could train and keep a large army without causing some people to snoop.

So, until a time when they had their own territory on earth where they wouldn't need to hide the army, they would all be staying within the space.

That wasn't all! According to Carter, Esmond could set up points which allowed Carter to enter earth either physically or by drones, which meant a great deal when work needed to be done like processing the waste at the facility within the Spatial Ark Land.

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