Chapter 3: First Mission

The white light cleared, revealing an abandoned inn room. Talon could hear the boisterous laughter from the ground floor, likely from the inn’s bar. He looked out the window and saw it was still early evening; the sun had not yet fully disappeared from the horizon.

The Admin’s voice rang in his head. "The mission will be accepted as completed once the target is killed. Your target is within this inn. You can access your system by calling it with a thought." The voice faded away.

Almost immediately, Talon thought, ‘System.’ A sky-blue translucent screen appeared before him, displaying several icons. As he looked at the icons, he instinctively understood their functions. There was even a mini-map showing the proximity of his target. 'What a great Admin. What a great system,' he thought, hiding the screen again.

He noticed that his clothing was different from normal, designed to blend into this world. 'Can this be called a mission prop?' he muttered. A dagger and a coin purse hung from his waist.

Talon walked to the door, gripping the handle for a moment to calm his racing heart. After a few deep breaths, he opened the door and left the room.

The inn was brightly lit and bustling with people as if a festival was taking place. According to the system, he was using the identity of Gregor, a wandering adventurer. His height, face, build, and voice had changed to fit this new identity. Impressed by the Admin's extensive means, Talon descended the stairs and entered the bar.

Checking the coin purse at his waist, he saw he had a few silver and copper coins. Dropping a few copper coins on the counter, he asked the bartender in a gruff voice, "Ale." The voice surprised him until he remembered it was likely Gregor’s voice.

The male bartender took the coins and soon handed him a mug of ale. Talon drank, listening to the conversations around him. Despite the noise from the bar wenches, the bard’s song, and general hubbub, he only learned that the annual Moon Goddess festival would take place the next day, drawing many tourists to Blackwater City.

Finishing his ale, he sighed. 'Where the hell is the target?' Frustrated, he pulled up the system again to check the mini-map, which now showed the target moving on the ground floor of the inn. Talon looked around, unable to pinpoint which person it was among the crowd. When a man on the far left finished his meal and left the inn, the red dot on the mini-map moved as well. Talon immediately stood and followed the man outside.

The city streets were busy due to the festival. Talon kept his distance, tailing the man through the crowded streets. He finally stopped at the inner city gate, watching as the man showed the guards a token and was granted entry.

Talon observed the ballistas on the walls and the patrolling guards. Apart from merchants entering with goods, no one else seemed to be allowed in. 'The inner city probably belongs to the bourgeoisie… how do I enter?'

“Hey man, are you going to move or what?” a voice said from behind. Talon turned to see a stout, bearded man eyeing him suspiciously.

“Are you the owner of this cart?”

“Of course, I just went to take a wee and you look like you were about to steal from my cart.”

Talon smiled. “If I were a thief, I wouldn’t stay here that long. I was just surprised to see so many people entering the inner city.”

“Are you not a native? Everyone knows the city lord is hosting a large party tomorrow after the festival ends. We are moving goods to get a good sale from those rich folks.”

Talon finally understood the reason for the traffic. “Do you mind if I join you? I’m a traveler looking for a job. With this much traffic, you’ll need an extra hand.”

The trader touched his beard, thinking. “How do I know you aren’t trying to cause trouble in the inner city?”

“I’m here to witness the Moon Goddess festival. I’ve heard how divine it is, but I underestimated things. Prices are daylight robbery. Now, I’m too poor to survive another day in the city.”

The trader laughed. “Of course, prices rose with so many tourists. Hey, what can you do?”

“I can help you draw customers to your stall. I’ve worked as a salesman before.”

The trader nodded. “You won’t be allowed to bring your dagger into the inner city.”

Talon immediately removed the sheath and passed it to the trader.

Seeing Talon’s compliance, the trader smiled. “My name is Pontus.” They shook hands as Talon introduced himself. “...Let’s rush into the inner city before all these sharks get the good spots.”

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