All Chapters of Reborn with the Strongest System: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
16 chapters
Chapter 1: Rainy, Bloody Night
Rainy nights shrouded the world in darkness, a veil many found unsuitable for a hunt. Yet, for those who thrived in the cover of night, it was an ideal time. The Verdant Brothers, led by the formidable Eren ‘Sun Fire,’ were a renowned team of adventurers capable of tackling the most suicidal quests. When they posted a notice at the Adventurer Guild seeking a porter, Talon seized the chance, believing he could earn guild merits without facing much danger under their protection.He was gravely mistaken.Panting behind his shield, Talon winced as blood dripped from his broken arm. His shield, now a warped mess, had partially fused with his left hand from Eren's fiery attacks. The other team members watched, their eyes glinting with amusement, some even laughing at his plight. Anger and helplessness churned within him.Just half an hour earlier, they had been escorting a treasure-laden caravan from Fort Avarack in the Lupin Mountain Range to Ironflower Duchy under the Duke's request. The
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Chapter 2: The Interdimensional Bazaar
The ground was cold and hard against Talon's cheek. Slowly, he opened his eyes to find himself lying face down on a stony floor. Groaning, he sat up, a fleeting memory of Eren’s fiery attack flashing through his mind.“How am I still alive?” He inspected his body in disbelief. His broken arm and mangled hand were completely healed. His clothes, once charred and tattered, were restored as if nothing had happened.'But where is this?'The surroundings were unfamiliar. Darkness enveloped him, save for a single beam of light illuminating his position. The stone floor felt alien, unlike anything he’d ever seen or touched.“Hello?”A synthetic voice responded, echoing in the emptiness. "Welcome to the Interdimensional Bazaar, where infinite realities meet."Talon staggered backward in shock. “Who’s there? Show yourself!” he demanded, his hands instinctively raised."I am the Admin, the consciousness of the Interdimensional Bazaar. I cannot manifest myself for your own good."The voice was e
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Chapter 3: First Mission
The white light cleared, revealing an abandoned inn room. Talon could hear the boisterous laughter from the ground floor, likely from the inn’s bar. He looked out the window and saw it was still early evening; the sun had not yet fully disappeared from the horizon.The Admin’s voice rang in his head. "The mission will be accepted as completed once the target is killed. Your target is within this inn. You can access your system by calling it with a thought." The voice faded away.Almost immediately, Talon thought, ‘System.’ A sky-blue translucent screen appeared before him, displaying several icons. As he looked at the icons, he instinctively understood their functions. There was even a mini-map showing the proximity of his target. 'What a great Admin. What a great system,' he thought, hiding the screen again.He noticed that his clothing was different from normal, designed to blend into this world. 'Can this be called a mission prop?' he muttered. A dagger and a coin purse hung from h
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Chapter 4: First Blood
Talon joined Pontus and, using Pontus’ token, they entered the inner city as a trader and his assistant. Unlike the outer city, the inner city was cleaner but just as lively. The roads, paved with cut granite, impressed Talon. They were wide enough to hold five carriages side by side, allowing the heavy traffic to flow smoothly.The duo soon found a spot that satisfied Pontus, and they set up the stall. Talon got to work, attracting passersby with some of the goods. Within the next hour, he managed to secure several sales, convincing Pontus of his hard work. Satisfied, Pontus positioned himself on a high seat behind the stall to attend to customers.As the moon rose, Talon returned to the stall. "Hey, boss."Pontus enjoyed being called that, and Talon saw no reason not to take advantage of it. "Yeah, tired already?""Not yet, just hungry. Can I get something to eat? I can bring yours along as well."Pontus nodded thoughtfully. "Hmm, that’s alright. We’ll be here most of the night, so
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Chapter 5: Bronze Badge Hero
The moment Talon reached the busy street where he had settled with Pontus, he was already out of breath. Pontus was happy to see him return. "Good, good, a trustworthy man like you will definitely have good luck. He who doesn’t cheat others can never be cheated by the world."Talon gave a wry smile. "Did you think I would run away with your money, boss?"Pontus simply laughed without a word."I need to get some rest, boss. It's been a very tiring day.""Hmm. Be sure to come back early tomorrow morning; the real sales start then." Pontus handed Talon two silvers.Talon wanted to thank him, but he felt an icy sharpness invade his lungs. It was like he had glass shards inside him, making each breath almost unbearable. He had to do everything to avoid grimacing, but even then, his face changed."What? Are you not satisfied? You'll get better pay if you do even better tomorrow," Pontus said, waving his hand as if chasing away a fly.Before leaving, Talon managed to squeeze out a word, "Tha
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Chapter 6: Mind Hunter
### Chapter 6: Mind HunterEach Profession awakened included a complete set of abilities along with a specific name. The combination of abilities determined its name, hence it was naturally called a Profession. Similar professions usually had unique characteristics, and unless you had the exact same profession as someone else, there was no way you would have the exact same power set.For instance, the Sun Fire Mage profession included a set of fire-based abilities allowing the user to create miniature suns, consume natural flames, and even generate heavy gravity. Similarly, the Mind Hunter profession would contain a set of abilities allowing the user to maximize their potential.Eager to understand what Mind Hunter entailed, Talon checked the details of the profession. In most cases, people hardly revealed the name of their profession, and even among those he had heard about, he had never heard of Mind Hunter before.The screen changed its display to reveal the details about Mind Hunt
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Chapter 7: Shopping Spree
Talon bought the book without second thoughts. As soon as he did, a hardcover book appeared on top of the stone podium. He scrolled through the listings again and saw another book titled, ‘Things a Hero Must Know About the Infinite Realities’ for 20 System Coins. The book was posted by Round Red Doe, and the short description indicated it contained the experience and knowledge of the writer. Given the glowing name tag that Round Red Doe had, Talon knew this person must have a high status, similar to Frenzy Wild Wolf. He decided to buy that and another book called ‘Details About the Hero System’ for 20 System Coins, posted by Western Dominator. The Silver Scales on both sides of the person’s name suggested that this was also a high-ranking hero.Seeing that he had almost exhausted his System Coins, he quickly checked another page to see if he could get anything else useful.‘Let’s check weapons,’ he thought.The weapons page was filled with all sorts of weapons, most of which had abil
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Chapter 8: Entering Eryndor
Talon didn’t reach Eryndor until the next day. Even with the Ring of Vitality keeping his stamina up, he still had to rest a couple of times. Thankfully, he didn’t encounter any threats during the journey. There was a good chance that Eren’s massive attacks had chased away all the predators within a kilometer radius, but he couldn't be sure.Eryndor was a large town protected by five-meter-tall stone walls. Guards patrolled the walls, and a few ballistas were mounted for defense. The town gate, made of oak wood, was only shut during bandit raids and at night. Since Talon arrived just before noon, the gates were still open. Outside the town, open fields stretched out, with farmers busy planting crops. Talon stood just behind the tree line, watching the farmers go about their business. After what happened to him, it would be foolish to appear openly in town. If anyone recognized him, the Verdant Brothers would soon hear about it, even if they weren’t currently in town.‘Risky, too risk
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Chapter 9: Return to Life
Talon had been an orphan for as long as he could remember. His parents were unknown, and he was found on the doorstep of the Holy Mother Church’s orphanage when he was a baby. Growing up in the harsh nvironment of the orphanage, Talon was maltreated by the caretakers and often abused by the older children. This forced him to become self-reliant and strong-willed.During his time at the orphanage, Talon met Vaila, a young albino girl who quickly became a target for bullies as soon as she arrived. He remembered how weak and frail she had looked back then. Vaila was six years younger than Talon, and he soon took on the role of her guardian, beating up other kids who tried to bully her and giving her his share of food when there wasn’t enough.Later, Talon discovered that Vaila was afflicted with a strange disease that not only rendered her physically weak but also meant she wouldn’t live past sixteen years of age. He had heard stories and legends of magical elixirs and artifacts that cou
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Chapter 10: Taking out the trash
Talon popped his head into the room through the small crack of the door, only to see a dozen eyes staring at him in fear. But when they realized it was Talon, he could almost hear them exhale the breath they had been holding. They all knew Talon; he was once an orphan here too. They just never expected to see him in the middle of the night. Since the orphans never left the orphanage, none of them knew about the news circulating around town that Talon had died during a mission. When Vaila saw that it was her sworn brother, she smiled and ran towards him. He opened the door and accepted her hug.“Where have you been?” she murmured, her voice shaking.Talon smiled and patted her head. He was glad she hadn’t heard about his apparent death yet. It would have been heartbreaking for her. After all, she was only thirteen and could barely take care of herself if he died.He broke off the hug and stared into her bright red eyes. “We can finally leave.”His words shocked her as she didn’t unders
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