All Chapters of Reborn with the Strongest System: Chapter 11 - Chapter 16
16 chapters
Chapter 11: The Goblin Raid
Talon’s shout was quickly followed by a roar from the trees. Small green men with elongated ears, half-dressed in leather, came running out of the forest with swords, spears, and clubs.“Goblin attack!” the leader of the escorts shouted while drawing his sword. The other adventurers sprung into action immediately.The convoy descended into chaos. Even Vaila woke up from her sleep, but since it was nighttime, she could hardly notice the true nature of their attackers; she could only make out their frames.“Talon, what’s happening?”“Stay in the cart,” he said, throwing a bundle of clothes over her.A familiar synthetic voice rang in Talon’s head, accompanied by a sky-blue translucent screen appearing in front of him again.---[Mission:— Kill at least 30 goblins. (0/30)— Kill the Goblin leader. (optional)Rewards:— 100 Coins per normal kill. 400 Coins per Awakened kill. 1000 Coins for the Goblin leader.— 1x Fortune Ticket.— 5 Karma]---A goblin jumped towards Talon with its short
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Chapter 12: The Goblin Leader
Goblins are among the most rampant monsters on the continent, well-known for their impressive breeding capabilities, though truly exceptional goblins were uncommon. However, some goblins manage to outshine the rest, becoming leaders to whom other goblins bow. For monsters, especially goblins, bowing to greater power isn't easy, indicating that every single goblin leader is Awakened.Talon had heard of Awakened monsters before, but he had never encountered them since the regions around Eryndor were too peaceful, and most monster-hunting quests he had joined didn't involve Awakened monsters. This was his first time seeing a group of monsters with not just one, but multiple Awakened among them. The leader was a monster that had attained a perfect awakening of its profession, making it very awe-inspiring.Talon rushed through the chaos, swinging his sword and shooting out mental pierce attacks simultaneously. Goblins fell left and right around him.The fight between Master Eobard and the
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Chapter 13: Perception is Reality?
“Argh!” The Wind Mage goblin screamed as one of its five enemies landed a strike on its back. It could feel the blood gushing out of the wound, feeling more tired after each injury. Waving its spear around haphazardly, it tried to retreat, but the five Talons didn’t give it a break. They rained down more and more attacks, leaving deep gashes and injuries on the goblin.The goblin kept retreating until it finally became too tired. Even the spear in its grasp felt as heavy as lead. It could barely lift it to fight, let alone swing it. Its raspy breath could be heard from behind its helmet.“Cowards!” it roared in goblin tongue, but the Talons only looked at it with amusement. This enraged the goblin. If it were to die, it would rather die in a glorious manner.“For the King!” the goblin roared as it rushed towards the Talons. It spent every ounce of energy left within it to swing the spear, but after being blocked a couple of times, one of the images caught the spear and thrust its swor
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Chapter 14: Bluefeather Duchy
The Aerindel family had ruled the Bluefeather Duchy for over 500 years. Duke Aerindel, a man of immense power and influence, stood as one of the most formidable figures on the continent. The duchy itself was renowned for its abundant gemstones, a high population of awakened wildlife, rich silver mines, and expertise in animal taming. It was a place steeped in history and adventure, one that Talon had heard many tales about, especially since Master Eobard's bloodline traced back to this region.As their caravan approached the outskirts of Bluefeather Duchy, a multitude of other caravans came into view, drawing the attention of Vaila. Her bright red eyes sparkled with curiosity as she watched the bustling activity around them.Every now and then, she peppered Talon with questions, which he answered with a patient smile.After fending off a goblin raid, the remainder of their journey had been remarkably peaceful. The caravan had managed to preserve their numbers, and apart from a few inj
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Chapter 15: Bluefeather City
The Kingdom of Aurumia was a competitive place, evident in the behavior of its noble families. Nobles constantly strived to outshine their peers. Earl families tried to outdo other earls, and dukedoms aimed to surpass one another, all under the watchful eyes of the Royal family. Even Talon, in the remote town of Eryndor, had heard tales of this competition from traveling bards and minstrels.Since Luth came from an Earl family in the Bluefeather Duchy, Talon guessed that this young noble might be more willing to answer his questions if he knew Talon was from a rival territory. He might even answer just to spite the Ironflower Duchy. Talon’s hunch proved correct."Hahaha," Luth laughed out loud. "I knew you must have been from that backward region when you didn’t even know what a Warrior was. Ironflower is truly the home of blockheads. No wonder."After satisfying his ego by insulting Talon’s hometown, he finally replied, "In the world, a Knight is neither high nor low. So, it is relat
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Chapter 16: Making A Report
Early the next morning, Talon headed to the guild branch in Bluefeather City. It was a large building, with architecture that proclaimed the grandiose of the Aurumia kingdom. It had many tall, colorful, translucent windows. There were no guards around, but hundreds of people entered and left the place, creating a bustling atmosphere. Tall opaque crystal boards hung on the northern wall, with words flickering in and out of existence. As a mission was completed, it vanished from the board. Whenever a new mission was available, the content appeared on the board as well. Talon was flabbergasted; this was far more impressive than the chalk and board used by the small guild branch in Eryndor.The general hall of the guild building was buzzing with conversations, people calling out here and there, trying to rally others to join a team with them, and so on. It was like a raucous marketplace.Talon was soon face-to-face with one of the dozen attendants stationed in the general
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