Chapter 14: Bluefeather Duchy

The Aerindel family had ruled the Bluefeather Duchy for over 500 years. Duke Aerindel, a man of immense power and influence, stood as one of the most formidable figures on the continent. The duchy itself was renowned for its abundant gemstones, a high population of awakened wildlife, rich silver mines, and expertise in animal taming. It was a place steeped in history and adventure, one that Talon had heard many tales about, especially since Master Eobard's bloodline traced back to this region.

As their caravan approached the outskirts of Bluefeather Duchy, a multitude of other caravans came into view, drawing the attention of Vaila. Her bright red eyes sparkled with curiosity as she watched the bustling activity around them.

Every now and then, she peppered Talon with questions, which he answered with a patient smile.

After fending off a goblin raid, the remainder of their journey had been remarkably peaceful. The caravan had managed to preserve their numbers, and apart from a few injuries, everyone was in good spirits.

"Wah!" Vaila exclaimed, pointing towards a towering silver spire that gleamed in the morning sun as they emerged from the forest. Grasslands stretched before them, with the spire standing tall in the distance.

One of the escorts walking beside their cart spoke up, "That is the White Tower, one of the bases of the Winged Tamers. It's located on the outskirts because they keep many captured monsters and wildlife there. It’s too dangerous to bring them into the city. There are two other towers: Silver Fortress in the Lupin Mountain Range and Ivory Tower at the border of the duchy near the Mistwood Dominion."

As the escort explained the tower's function, even other travelers within earshot listened intently.

"I heard each Tower of the Bluefeather Tamers has a powerful guardian that can fly. Is that true?" asked a traveler from a passing caravan, his voice tinged with excitement.

The escort chuckled. "Of course. Each tower has a master, and it's said that these masters have long surpassed the levels we call Awakened."

This piqued Talon's interest. He lightly whipped his donkey and inquired, "So, they can fly?"

The escort nodded. "You might not know, since your town is in the remote parts of the kingdom, but you'll find many powerful individuals in the big cities."

Talon leaned in, curiosity evident. "What is that level called?"

The escort shook his head. "I don't know. I only know that the level after Awakened is called Warrior. I heard about it from Master Eobard."

Just then, a voice from another caravan interjected, "You country bumpkins really don't know anything about the world, do you?"

Heads turned towards the speaker, a slightly chubby teenager dressed in a linen tunic adorned with embroidered feathers. His carriage, crafted from oak wood and bearing the sigil of a silver-winged bird against a backdrop of clouds, exuded wealth. Even the wheels looked expensive, making some travelers swallow hard.

"That's the sigil of House Silverwing," someone in the crowd whispered.

"What? House Silverwing?" Many strained to catch a glimpse of the sigil. Talon, too, cast a glance at the boy.

Unfazed by the attention, the young man continued, "Our glorious kingdom of Aurumia is ruled by His Majesty, King Xephan Destrus IV, one of the three proclaimed mortal deities of the continent. Naturally, Bluefeather Duchy, as one of the kingdom’s most prosperous territories, would have at least a Knight guarding the Tower of the Bluefeather Tamers."

Talon leaned towards the escort, whispering, "Is House Silverwing important in this region?"

"House Silverwing is one of the three Earl families of Bluefeather Duchy. The family patriarch, Lord Silverwing, is influential in the royal court," the escort explained.

Talon nodded, understanding why the young man exuded such arrogance. In the kingdom, only the Royal and Duke families could rival an Earl family. Nobility commanded respect.

"You don’t even know who I am?" the young noble sneered, staring at Talon with disdain.

Talon scratched his head, feeling bashful. "I've never left my hometown, so I don’t know much about the outside world."

"Hmph," was the young man's only response.

"May I ask your name, young lord, so I can address you respectfully if we meet again?" Talon asked, surprising the noble.

‘I guess he isn’t that bad,’ thought the noble. ‘Even though he looks like those poor peasants, he still has some sense.’

"You don’t need to know my name. We won’t meet again," the young man declared.

Talon tilted his head, "What if I want to boast to my friends about the dignified young noble I met? It would be awkward if I couldn’t name you."

Talon’s flattery caused murmurs among the travelers and escorts, many viewing him as a shameless bootlicker.

"Cough, cough," the young noble cleared his throat, feeling unaccustomed to such blatant praise. "I am Luth Silverwing. Remember it."

"Of course, of course. It is my good fortune to have met you today, young lord," Talon said, feigning awe.

Luth raised his nose, exuding superiority. "May I ask what a Knight is?"

"Ah?" Luth exclaimed, staring at Talon.

"You see, I’ve lived my entire life in a backward town in Ironflower Duchy. I haven’t heard of Knights before."

"Ironflower…" Luth muttered, a hint of understanding in his voice.

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