Loyal dog

Alora's eyes narrowed, her voice laced with skepticism. "So you're just saying that to tell me it's not good, it's not actually your first time, right?" she asked, her tone implying disbelief.

Bryan's scoff was dismissive, his eyes rolling in exasperation. "I haven't smoked once. Even though I grew up around people who smoke, I never tried it. I don't hate smokers, but I correct them and advise them to quit if I can. There's no gain in smoking, it only causes harm to the body," he explained, his voice patient and matter-of-fact.

Alora's expression turned thoughtful, her eyes softening slightly. "You're being such a calm man. England must have changed you," she said, her tone tinged with a hint of surprise.

Bryan's scoff was wry, his eyes glinting with a hint of sadness. "I have always been the same, you're just not seeing it because all you've ever had towards me is hatred," he said, his voice laced with a hint of resignation.

The conversation was a dance of misunderstandings and prec
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