Who has something to say?

Lisa stood confidently in the conference room, her voice persuasive as she addressed the shareholders. "I am the clear choice for chairman. Let's be realistic, Bryan has been absent for a significant amount of time, and I've been the one holding the fort, ensuring the company's success. Yet, you still question my ability? How much more do I need to prove myself?"

The room fell silent,the shareholders exchanging skeptical glances. Some nodded in agreement, while others seemed unconvinced. The tension was palpable, the air thick with the weight of their decision. Lisa's determination was evident, her eyes gleaming with a fierce intensity as she awaited their response.

The shareholders' gazes darted around the room, their eyes locking onto one another in a silent debate. Some seemed to be reevaluating their stance, while others appeared resolute in their opposition. The atmosphere was heavy with anticipation, the outcome hanging precariously in the balance.

The air was electric with tens
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