
Days turned into weeks, and Bryan continued to gain the upper hand, consistently staying one step ahead of Lisa. She was baffled, wondering how he seemed to anticipate her every move. It was as if he had inside information, knowing her plans before she even executed them.

Lisa's frustration turned to suspicion, and she began to wonder if Bryan had a mole feeding him information. She called her personal assistant, Rachel, into her office, her mind racing with questions.

"Rachel, I need to ask you something," Lisa said, her voice low and serious. "Have you noticed anything unusual lately? Anyone suspicious lurking around or asking questions?"

Rachel looked puzzled, "Unusual? Like what, ma'am?"

Lisa leaned in, her eyes locked on Rachel's. "Someone who might be feeding information to Bryan. I can't shake the feeling that he's getting inside help."

Rachel's expression changed from confusion to concern. "I haven't noticed anything, ma'am. But I can keep an eye out and ask around discreetly.
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