"Looking for an Easter Egg?, Check the daily rewards board!"
- Romance Fantasy ++ Loading ScreenRiku had finally stood between the two young children and the man who was at least three times bigger than the one ones he had shouted at. Even Riku who was considered rather tall was dwarfed by at least a head.
The young man who seemed to be defending his sister had taken a few steps back while he had continued to shield her. The tall and slightly stocky man, on the other hand, began to shout of Riku, sputum flew in all directions only being blocked by the fan Riku had been holding.
“ How dare you get involved! These little thieves deserve to have their hands cut off!” the stocky grumped.
“ We the Sato family never stole a thing! How dare you accuse us without proof.” The young man seemly gaining courage behind Riku stated with his little chest puffed out.
“ Brother is right! We didn’t steal, we didn’t steal! “ parroted the sister of the young girl.
“ I don’t know who the Sato family or whoever you say you are is but you better give me my stock back!” Shouted the hulking man in return.
The crowd looked over at the fight, while some of the shopkeepers quietly whispered to one another.
“ Seems like those children are going to be duped by Taji this year,” Said one the shopkeepers
“Mm best not to interfere, I hear that guy is dangerous” continued a balding shopkeeper
“ One of the river gangs men, I heard” finished an elderly stall owner.
Riku turned his head slightly looking at the two children and then at the man as he had just finished overhearing what the shopkeepers had said.
The tall man started to laugh from his stomach a smile missing a few teeth shined through. He stopped laughing and then pointed to Riku.
“ Seems like my cover has been blown. No matter ay! You better hand over some cash since you wanted to play Mr Hero for medical brats behind you and that little miss can hand over that herb I saw in her bag, ” As the gang member finished speaking his face turned rather sinister.
“ I wouldn't worry about calling the guards either, your throats will be slit before they can get here” The man finished as he pulled a blade from his hand and licked it.
A slight smirk appeared from Riku’s mouth as if he were looking at beggar pretending to be a monkey. His actions had unnerved the man in front of him.
Riku then said to seemly no one in particular in a normal voice “I know you're here, you won’t let his cousins get bullied like this right? “
There was no action or movement. The crowd had fallen silent, the small children behind Riku looked up at his broad back confused and the man began to laugh.
[What the hell is Riku talking about and to who?]
An image of Riku and the small children behind him getting beaten to a pulp and murdered appeared in Yuki’s head. He had clenched his fists at this moment until his palms had threatened to bleed.
Riku had quickly glanced over at Yuki and smiled for some unknown reason before once again talking to thin air “ Look, he's about to cry if you don’t help us he will hate you!”
Suddenly a figure quickly appeared over the rooftops covered entirely in black. It moved soo fast not even it’s silhouette could be made out. It jumped from building to building before it made its way to the man.
A noise like a tonne of bricks being dropped was heard as the man fell down on the ground. A look of confusion spread across his face as he had passed out called. Before even a mouse could squeak the sound of a slap crisply echoed in the air.
Finally, the figured had seemly jumped over the crowd before flipping a few times and disappearing over a building.
Riku held his slightly swollen cheek.
[ They are saved? What just happened?]
Yuki took one look at Riku’s cheek and then at the spot where the figure had disappeared to and shook his head. There were too many questions to ask and too little time to ask them.
The Crown prince, his brother, the princess and Yuki all stepped forward at the same time and walked up to Riku and the two children. The crowd stood around for a moment longer, realised the drama had ended and decided to disperse.
The youths behind Riku then walked up to face him. “ I am not sure who you called to help us but thank you.” the boy said before he bowed.
His sister then took a moment and said “ Yep thank you mister!” before she bowed too.
Riku, who was still holding his cheek, smiled.
“Oh I forgot to introduce myself, My name is Sato Tamo and this is my cute little sister Hina!” The boy named Tamo said.
[They truly are my cousins!]
“ Mm I thought you might be the Sato family siblings, My name is Riku I am your cousin's teacher, ” Riku said before he pointed to me.
“ Uhh I guess I am your cousin, my name is Akikyo Yuki” Yuki said as he bowed politely.
“ I am uhh call me Leo, this is Nathan and my sister uh Rosy! “ Said the crown prince.
[ I guess they can’t just be saying in the middle of the street that they are royalty.]
Yuki had sifted through his previous memory and found that the only time he had met his cousins was several years ago. Considering his age it was quite normal to not be able to recognise his outter family members.
After a few minutes of discussion, it was decided that they would all find a grilled fish stand and find a place to sit. So they all left, the gang member still passed out of the ground.
The Sato siblings made sure to each give the passed out man a quick kick as they left.
The order for walking had changed so that the Sato family were walking in front chatting with the crown prince, the second prince and the princess were walking hand in hand together and Riku and Yuki were in the behind also walking hand in hand together.
“ Riku is your face okay?” Yuki asked quietly.
“ Mm it’s fine don’t worry I deserved it” Replied Riku
“ Who was that?” Yuki replied after a moment.
“ Just think of them as a helper,” said Riku.
Yuki spent the next few minutes trying to question Riku but had failed miserably. They then all lied up got the fish they were looking for and found a place just outside the festivities to sit.
[ I wonder if they have such a thing as fireworks here ]
“ Uh Riku, what normally happens at these sorts of events,” Yuki asked in a casual tone.
“ Well just a little bit later there will be a performance and then the night will be topped off by some magic duels and sword fighting!,” Riku replied as he took a bit of his fish.
“ Sword fighting!? Magic Duels?! Really?” All of the children bar the Sato siblings said in unison.
“ Oh course dummies, they do it every year, the herb my sister has is actually one of the prizes” said Tamo. Panic started to be drawn on his face, he then looked at his sister who stopped mid-bite.
“ We need to hand in the competition prize!!” They had both screamed together.
The party had all looked at the Sato twins for a moment before the princess said “ Calm down what time does the duels start?”
[ Wow the princess can be pretty reliable in times like this.]
“ In about an hours time” replied Riku, looking at the position of the moon.
“ Mm, that's plenty of time right!” said the crown prince.
“ Can we go with Tamo and Hina?” Said the second prince, in almost a whisper.“ Yeah, can we Riku? I want to see the fights!” replied Yuki with a broad grin.
Riku had looked at all the children with expectations written on their faces before nodding slightly to give his consent.
The team finished their snacks before heading toward the center of the festival.
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