Chapter 28- War (2)

Isaac thought that they could retreat safely.


The other leaders also looked at each other and their faces were very ugly.

"The space has been locked down" Isaac said.

They looked at their comrades who were surprised to see them not moving which made them not to notice the fact that the Wright army had almost cleared from the place.

"What's that?" someone pointed at a ball approaching them with high speed.

"Run" no one knew who shouted it but they cared about their lives.

They did not want to die in this war which was brought by them but at the end, they still lost.


The heat wave spread leaving none alive apart from the leaders of various kingdom and the elders of the Storm Kingdom.

The area of influence became bare.

No vegetation could be seen. Bodies and blood were strewn around the place, some turned to ashes, some were dismembered by the wave and some bodies had melted part.

The Airship hung high in the air, the students who were to receive treatment were already rece
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